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My pain grows more gruesome every foot goes by. "My arm is defiantly broken" I said smiling. "You need medical care, this isnt funny." "No hospital, my dad will find me there." "So lets go out of state", "that's a good idea, far away from...him." We start driving to new jersey because my father wouldn't try to look there. Along the way Angel asks, "how bad does it hurt?" "Alot" I say sarcastically. "I'm sorry babe I'll drive faster." She speeds up and the scenery zooms by as I'm clutching my disfigured arm. I start to hear sirens behind us and Angel stops the car and there is a cop sitting behind us. The officer gets out of the cruiser and walks over to Angel's window. "Ma'am do you know how fast you were going?" "I know it was way over the speed limit, but my boyfriend broke his arm and I'm rushing him to the ER." "I see, where are you comin from?" "Boston mass.." "thats a long way from Jersey" "we know sir but we are hiding from his father because he escaped prison so we are going to go out of state, o-out of his reach." "Thats all I needed to hear in fact I heard about something about that comin from mass you're jonas jackson right?" "Yes sir I am" I say to the officer." "Oh im sorry fo what happened... come on ill escort you two there." The fuzz gets back in his car and we set off to the hospital. When we get there the cop leaves and we go inside. "Hi, my boyfriend has a broken arm and needs urgent care." "Ok we will get a room in a minute" the Secretary said and we wait for what seemed for hours. Then a doctor came in and took me into a room with an x-ray machine and took a look at my arm. "You seem to have many fractures in your lower arm and we will get it casted and you will be fine in about a month, but we do have to pop a piece of the bone this way." He pointed to the bone that pushed against my skin. "Ok let's get this over with," he put his hands on my arm and gives me a cloth. "Put it in your mouth." I put it in my mouth and the doctor says, "ok on three 1.." SNAP he pushed the bone in and I bit down on the cloth and screamed. "Ok that was good, now let's get you casted up."

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