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"Morning" I see Angel's face giving me a smile as I open my eyes. Must have fallen asleep. I get up and go to the bathroom then come out to find Angel on her computer playing "The Sims 3" I sneak up behind her and hug her from behind. "Good morning beautiful" I say and she turns around and kisses me then hugs me back. "What do you wanna do today babe?" She asks "hangout?" "Sure wanna play COD?" "Ok I call top screen" "Ok you can be on top" I laughed. "Only you would think that way" she smiled as she kissed me once more. She got up off the computer chair and laid down on the bed and motion me to come over with her finger and holds up a controller. I smile as my face grew warm and I take the controller from her and lie down. She starts up her Xbox and starts the game.

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