Shes The One

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I wake up to see Angel in my arms hugging me as she slept. I'm guessing she got cold so I start rubbing her back gently over and over again. She smells of vanilla I rubbed her back for hours untill she woke up. " Morning she pulls her head away from my sholder and smiles at me. "Thanks for keeping me warm" She says  "No problem" I smile back. "Hey what day is it?" I ask "saturday I think" she replies. "Man"   "what???"   "You got some serious bed head" i say. "hey I'm not the only one" she says back and i check my head and we laugh. "Don't worry i got a brush" She says and she digs hrough her pokemon backpack and pulls it out and starts brushing my hair. "Can you do me?"    "Wahhhhhhh?"   "My hair silly" She Smiled  "sure" I said. i brush her long black hair and with each stroke i could smell the vanilla even more and more until it was intoxicating. "Done!" I say proudly and she runs her fingers through her hair "Wow! your really good!" She complements. "Wait can I Emo up your Bangs?" I ask. "OMG Yes!!!" she screams with joy and i brush her bangs style them and brush them over her left eye and put the rest behind her ear and I stop midway and look into her eyes. They were sparkling and she leans in and I follow. My stomach had started to get butterflies and when her lips touched mine I felt warm, conforting and scared all at the same time. She pulls away and blushes. I smile " you're cute when you blush."  "yeah" she said and we kissed one more time. She gets off of my lap and i get up and I ask "Want breakfast?" She says "Sure."  "i know A good place" I say as we climb down the stairs. We go to the dunk'in Donuts around the corner and we get coffee and a donut. We stare into eachothers eyes as we sip our coffee. i ask "what do you want to do after this?''  "I dunno go to my house and maybe we can do stuff?'' she asks. "Okay but first i need to call home first" i reply. i finish my coffee and i ask to use her cellphone and excuse myself. I call my mom and tell her " hey I'm staying at my friends house for a while be back tomarrow love you"  "Okay sweetie be safe and make sure you do your homework love you too." I hang up and go back inside to Angel and hand her the phone. "thanks" I say   "Are you ready?" she asks  "yep." She grabs my hand and we start walking to her house.

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