Time To Not Go Home

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    I leave the classroom to find the three people I hate the most, the ones who like to push me around for fun because their familys are rich. Jimmy the son of a father who owns car dealership, carl the son of a wealthy land owner, and their leader the on I hate the most  bobby blanche the son of the owner of a brand of household appliances. "hey emo freak! hows it doing?" I grab my left arm and look down trying to walk past them but carl blocks me "where you goin?" he looked at me and shoved me up against a locker. "we're not done with you yet" bobby smiled evilishly. they drag me to the mens bathroom I try to get away but they grab my arms, my cuts sting when I struggle so i stop. they open up one of the stalls and lift me upside down and dunk my head in the toilet below. I thrash trying to get away I can feel myself blacking out because of the lack of air. When everything is about to go out a muffled voice says some thing and then I get put on the ground and the principal was standing there looking at me kneeling on the ground coughing up the water. My lungs are on fire as I gasp for air the principal shoves the three boys out of the bathroom and helps me up. he grabs me some paper towels to dry myself off and takes me to his office "Sit down please so I can call your parents."   ''um Mr.Demitri theres no need ill tell them when I get home"   ''um ok well here go down to the lost and found and take a shirt and go change out of those wet clothes."  "tha-thank you" i say shivering. I leave his office and walk downto the lostand found and i find a leather jacket and an old AC/DC shirt and i put them on. "A little big for me" I thinki zip up the jacket and slip my book bab on and head out the school's gate to walk home. I dont go home in fear of my father waiting for me so I go to my favorite place to hang out, where I can be alone, the top of the keystone building, I sit and I feel something in my jacket pocket and feel in its pocket. "awesome" I say to myself as I hold up a bright red handled switchblade. I press its button and the blade flung out of its holding spot and it gleemed in my hand. I checked its sharpness, "hmmm dull I'll need to sharpen it..." I thought. I lied down and looked up at he sky above and watched the clouds go by untill I fell asleep.

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