New home

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"You can live at our house as long as you want" Angel's father said. We were driving back to their house. The hospital made me depressed as we passed it. "Can you stop so I can check on my mother?" I asked. "Of course" he replied back to  me and he pulled into the hospital parking lot. "Want me to come with you?" Angel asks me as we pull up to the door, "Sure." We get out and go inside the hospital. The rooms either had sick people in them or people with broken bones. We got to the room my mother was in and enter it. "J...jonas?" My mother tried to sit up. I rush over to her and lay her back down. "No mom you have to lay down."      "I'm so... glad to see you... my baby boy."   "I'm glad you are alright mom."  "Where is your father?"  "Jail where he deserves to be"  "oh... well I hope you aren't staying home by yourself."  "He's staying with us." Angel butted in. "Ok thank you, your parents are very generous."  "Well im tired" my mom laughed and forced a smile. "I'll call you from Angel's mom I love you"  "I love.... you too..." my mom fell asleep. We leave the hospital and get back in the car with Angel's parents and go home.

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