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I've been laying here for hours. I can't eat I feel too sick to. My insides are trying to rip out off my body. Truthfully I feel like dying "that's not a bad idea" I pondered inside my screwed up head. I decide to get up and wander around the mansion. As I aimlessly stroll the gigantic halls I get more and more depressed then I get to the study to find Angel's father behind his desk. "I am terribly sorry about your mother" "yeah" "do you want to talk about it?" He asks while he pours himself some whiskey into a crystal glass. "No it's fine where's Angel?" "She should be by the pool" "thanks." I leave the study and start going to the pool. I pass all the elegant artwork on the walls and the marble floors are cold under my feet. I look out the French doors and I see Angel in the pool. I go out of the a.c. and onto the patio. "Hey, how are you feeling?" She asks me swimming up to the edge of the pool. "I dont know anymore" I sit down in front of her and roll up my pants and put my feet into the water. "Well I hope you cheer up babe" she pulls herself up and hugs my stomach, soaking my shirt and I hug her back. We sit there for a couple of minutes and then I say "I'm going in." She lets go and says ill be in, in a minute." I get up and unroll my pants and go inside and back to Angel's room to suffer there more.

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