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    The way to school is a long trip but I dont seem to mind. I walk past all the dark alleys in this forgotten place of  Boston Massachusetts. I see all the grafitti on the rail cars as I pass them and the cold air stings my face as I stroll along as honking cars go by, and I can't get the picture of my mother laying on the floor all limp as my father laughs above her. It makes me want to punch him but he would only get mad and beat me up. I finally arive at the school and walk up to its rusted fence and climb over it and head to the office to get a late pass. "Why are you late?" The reseptionist looked at my face. I wondered if the mark where my father struck me was still there. "Why Are you late?'' she said irritable with me. "uh-um I got up late" I tried to fake a smile. I didnt think she was buying it untill she finally wrote me a pass to class. '' Tha-thank you '' I said. "Dont be late again or I wont be so nice!" she scoffed at me. I go out the door and walk down the hall to get to my class room. I pass the lonly lockers and the classrooms that are in session and I smell the turtle wax on the floors. I get to my classroom door and knock on it. '' I wonder what the teacher will think?'' I thought. "Well Mr. Jacobs so nice for you to join us today" the door opened for me to see my teacher Mr.Collins glaring at me with this sarcastic look on his face. "I'm sorry for being late" handing him the pass. ''so you feeling any better?" Mr.collins asks. ''Huh??'' I say back. "well it says here you were'nt feeling so good this morning" He said with distrust in his eyes. ''Yeah I'm feeling much better now" I look around the room and the other students are looking at me like I'm a freak as I go to take my seat.''now where were we children? oh right 2 step equasions." half way through class I start to daydream and draw in my notebook. I started drawing a dragon with its skin ripped off and its wings were mostly bone. As soon as I get almost finished with it. The teacher says bruntly "Mr. jacobs! do you want to come up here to do this problem I have up here for you to do or do you want to keep jerking around?" the whole classroom broke in laughing and the teacher was standing there with a face full of anger and disrespect. I go up to the board and start on the problem the numbers started to shift around on their own, ''could be my dislexia'' I thought. I finally finish the problem and take my seat. "Mr. jacobs you do realise that this problem is one of the easiest in the book and you seem to found a way to mess it up? well class lets see what he did wrong..." I tuned him out and kept drawing the dragon I was working on. I  knew the answer but i didnt bother with it. The school bell rang and it was time to go home.

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