Lets go...

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When we get up to Angel's room we lay down on the bed and she says "are you afraid?" "Of what?" "Your father" "well kind of, he's beaten me and my mom" We sit there for awhile and she jumps up. "I know what will get this off your mind, come on." She drags me off the bed and we go downstairs. "Lets go." She grabs the keys to her car and we head off to the garage. We start driving. "Where are we going?" "You will see when we get there." We ride along this winding road along the ocean. I smell the ocean breeze and the sun above warmed us as we went along. "We're here" she says pulling into a dock. There is a giant yacht tied to it. "It's the family yacht let's take it out." "Ok" We get onto the yacht and into the control room. Angel stars it and says "go untie us" I go out on the deck and untie the front tie and work my way to the back. "Ok!" I yell to her and she pulls us off the dock and we head off into the sea. I enter the room where Angel is "We're almost to my favorite spot." We arrive to this beautiful island that has a waterfall that shows into the clear blue ocean below. She stops the yacht and drops
the anchors. "Lets go swim" she says as shes stripping her clothes off. My mouth drops and my face grow red, "she just took all her clothes off in front of me" I say in my head "What are you waiting for? Come on" she hollers she already had jumped into the water. I take my shirt off and I jump in. The water is freezing. She swims over to me and says, "Now that's better now ain't it?" She laughs and hugs me. "Lets go to the island" she says. "Ok, ill race you" she goes under water and I follow. "Man shes fast" I think as I race along. We get to the island and get onto the sand. She stops and says, "how does my butt look under water" I blush then say "It looks magnificent" I say in a british accent and she laughs. She sits down on the beach and I lay down next to her. "Well that makes me alot happier." I say and she looks over at me and kisses me. We sat their watching the view for a long time. "Want to head in?" She asks me shivering. "Sure" I say and we swim back to the yacht.

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