My place

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I get up from the bed and go to the bathroom and when I come out Angel left. I get dressed and go up the stairs leading to the deck. I could see Angel up in the control room on the yacht. I go up to her and she's wearing just my hoodie and some underwear. "Hey babe" I hug her frim behind as we go back land. Before we arrive at the dock she goes downstairs and gets her clothes back on. I drive the yacht up to it and go onto the deck and tie it to the dock. I go downstairs to find Angel still getting dressed. "I parked the yacht" I say and she looks at me and says, "aye aye captain" and we laugh. She goes up the stairs and I follow. She goes into the control room and shuts off the engine. I step off onto the dock and help Angel off the deck. "Let's go home",Angel says and we head to Angel's car and we start driving to the mansion. "Could we stop by my place to get some of my stuff first?" "Sure" she says as she turns down my road and parks in front of my house. I go through the door quietly, just in case my father was home. I sneak up to my room to find it trashed "typical" I thought as I gather my stuff and load it all into a duffle bag. I look under my bed to find the pistol I took from the mugger from before.I stuff it in the bottom of my bag and I'm rushing to get my stuff and the house creaks and groans as I gather my things. I hear theback door swing open and a man's voice follows. "Dad" I thought, I had to get out of there so I grabbed my bag and crept out of my room and I look downstairs and he's sitting in the recliner watching tv with a bottle in his lap. I sneak to my window as I hear him getting up and coming upstairs! I open the window and climb down on the ledge and he says,"well look who's come to visit! Get in here so I can finish you off too." I look back to find my dad drunk, holding a pocket knife in his hand. He starts walking towards me and I think, "this is gonna hurt." And with that I leap off the ledge and as I fall I can hear him cussing me out in the background. As I hit the ground I hear a breaking noise and pain shot down my right arm. "Broken", I thought. I get up and try to hobble to the car as dast as I could. I finally reach the car and Angel helps me in. "Drive... now." I say to her clutching my duffle bag and we drive off.

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