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I wake up with a scare as i try to comprehend what happened in the dream "who was she? where was i?" My head hurt just thinking about it or it could be i was sleeping on the hard ground. the world above was dark and below was lit up by streetlights and cars passing. i go down to the gorund floor and start to walk homethe night was as cold as ice and the fact i was still a little bit wet from earlier didnt help. i put my hands in my jacket pockets and walk home as the cars pass on this lonely night. i walk past the warehouses and the shipping yards with all the shipping crates and the smell of the ocean nearby. As i walk along i feel as though as someone is watching me so i walk a little faster. when i got to a cross-walk a guy wearing all black shows up next to me i cant see his face cause of his hood on his jacket, but i could make out that this is a guy i dont want to mess with. i walk down with him following me until i reach a alley. Then out of nowhere he grabs my sholder and puts something up to my back. it feels cylindrical so i beleive its a gun so i stand still untill he says, "Go into the alley up here" i follow through with the command and then he yells at me to give him all my money. " i dont have any money!!!"    "STOP LIEING!!! I saw you coming from the wealthy side of Boston" he screams. realising i have the switch in my right pocket i flipped it open in my pocket and flipped it around in my hand. acting fast i swung the knife behind me and caught the guy in the side. He yelped with pain and a shot fired but he missed. i grab the gun and force it out of his hand and stash it in a dumpster. i go down the street to a pay phone and call 9-1-1. i tell them what happened and the police and an ambulance came hurrying down the road and they arested the man. a police officer came up to me and asked "are you okay?"   "yes"    "do you need a ride home son?"   "no no, i got a ride coming" i lied. "thank you anyways"   "no problem, thats what we're here for."   "oh and another thing the" cop asked    "huh"   "how did he get stabbed?" i show him my knife and he take his hanker chief out and cleans off the blood. "You know these are illegal dont you?" he said batting an eye.   "no i didn't'' i said  ''well its a really nice one i guess ill let it slide you been through alot tonight and i dont want to cause you anymore trouble'' he hands me the knife and goes back to his car and they drive away. when they are a safe distance away i go and retrive the gun i stashed in the dumpster. i shoved it in my pants and covered it with my shirt. i walk home to find my father passed out on the couch and my mother is in the kitchen crying and i go up to her and i hug her and she cries in my arms. i lead her to her room and help her onto her bed. I cover her up and go out the doorway shutting off the light as i do.i go down the hall and go into my room to find it trashed. "Dad" i thought. i put my bed back and get in it. "Im home" i think as i fall asleep.

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