Just a dream

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I open my eyes to find Angel looking at me smiling. I smile back and say "I had a wonderful dream last night, well after the dad torture one" I said awkwardly. "What was it?" She asks and I tell her about the dream. "Well thats sweet, I like that you think of me that way." My face grew hot and she laughs and kisses me. I get up and go to the bathroom.when I come out Angel is gone so I go downstairs to find her cooking breakfast. I sit down at the bar and watch her cook. "When did you learn to cook?" I ask. "Dad put me through chef school at the age of like, 8." "Do you like it?" "It's a good skill but I wouldn't make it a hobby." "Oh" I reply.She comes over with two plates and we dig in. "This is amazing" "thanks"she smiles. We finish and go into the lounge area. She snuggled up to me and we watch some tv. We lay there for a couple hours and then we get a knock on the door. She gets up and heads to the front door and I follow. She answers it, "Hello would you want to hear about our good Lord and savior Jesus Christ?" It was a Jehovah's witnesses. "Sure" Angel says and he talks about how we can change our ways and how we can cleanse or souls and we listen. Then he says, "Thanks for your time and God's bless to you." "you too" I say and I shake his hand. "What nice people I do say." Angel says in a British accent after she shuts the door. "Now let's go listen to some BOTDF." She says still in a British accent. "Might I say that is a fantastic idea my fair lady" I say in a British accent too. We laugh and go back to her room.

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