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My father is standing in the doorway. I look down and I'm bound with duct tape to a table. He grabs a clothes iron and plugs it in. I try to move but he has the duct tape layered so I cant. He laughs at my attempt and feels the iron and says "I think this is hot enough." He comes closer and closer to me and presses it against my skin, I scream out in agony as he laughs non-stop. He picks it up off of me and I can smell my melted skin as it sizzles. He centers the iron on my head and presses it on my forehead. I scream and scream as the hot iron melts me away. He laughs at my screaming and then he walks off leaving the iron on my face. He comes back with a bag. He pulls my mother's head out of it and stands it up on my chest I scream out in anger and pain I can feel part of my mother's spine digging into my chest. "Kill me, put me out of this misery please" I scream out to him. He takes the iron off my head and I smell my charred skin. "What ever you wish my son" he picks up a rusted axe and raises it above his head. I close my eyes as he brings it down.

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