[•Grandma Aphrodite!•]

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Irene Pov

"Psst! Wake up!" I heard somebody yell and soon enough they started to shake me and I opened my eyes "I'm awake I'm awake!" And I see that the person who shook me awake was Lotus "Good! Cuz Grandma is here!" I made a confused face "Witch?" I asked "Bry-Dads mom!" I made an 'ooohhh' sound and got up from where I was and saw that I was covered in paint from earlier as I was painting I mean the whole room kinda looked like as mess so I started to clean it up and when I was done I went to wash myself up and then I went into my room that Bryan showed me earlier.

It looked like Elsas room from Frozen 1 but I'll decorate it later now I gotta find something for me to wear. I founded some Greek dress thing that looked pretty!

I was looking great!  Even though I hate dresses XD anyway as I was dressed I went to find Atlas or someone until I bumped into someone "Ahh sorry!" I said looking up and seeing that I bumped into Atlas "It's fine

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I was looking great!  Even though I hate dresses XD anyway as I was dressed I went to find Atlas or someone until I bumped into someone "Ahh sorry!" I said looking up and seeing that I bumped into Atlas "It's fine..." He said "C'mon Grandma is in the kitchen with papa and
Bry-dad." And so we started walking on the way there though I may have fallen down a few times *cough* cuz I have never *cough* walked in a dress before...

As we arrived at the kitchen we saw that Lotus and Femi were already there "What took you so long?!" Asked Femi I looked at her with the really look and said "I have never ever ever in my whole fricking life had a dress on me so like I may have fallen like 24 times coming here?" I said with a kind of sarcastic voice. "Oh gods are you okay?" Asked Bryan "Oh yeah I'm fine!" I said but knowing very well that I was not as I covered the scratches on my face with makeup when we were almost here. "You sure?" Asked Inpu "Yess I'm suuree." I said with kind of annoyed voice "So let's all go to the beach then?" Asked Aphrodite Bryans mum "Sure mum!" Said Bryan "Okay." At the thought of beach was only thing that was not okay with me ocean....I am kinda scared of it cuz you never know if someone grabs your foot and pulls you down in the water until you drown or a shark could eat you and in my case animals really don't like me well the animals back at home didn't maybe it's cuz I pulled a cats tail and then I was trying to kick all of the birds.... whoops I just made a grumbling voice but I went anyway.

We were at the beach we were all laying on a blanket faces facing the sun we were like this for five minutes "I'm bored." Me and Femi said in a sync "I-" Aphrodite went to say something but Atlas and Lotus inturapted her "Suuupp I have da drinksssss for mister daddy issues here." Atlas said and handed me a what looked like grape juice "Thanksss broooooo!" I said he just smiled and lotus gave Femi one grape juice too I putted it away for now as I was not thirsty when sudently I was picked up by Atlas "ATLAS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I hissed at him like a cat lol when just then he giggled and throwed me in the ocean "AAHHHH!" I screamed before I fell into the ocean "Atlas!" You could hear Bryan and Inpu and grandma Aphrodite say "Whoops!" He just said and jumped right after me.

As that was happening I was in the water refusing to move but then....I had gotten a horrible idea I opened my eyes in he damn ocean I knew that if I did that that my eyes would probably hurt but somehow they didn't but the ocean was dark so I quickly swam up so I don't die I was kinda coughing when I swam up to the surface though I saw Atlas in the ocean and I went back in the ocean (0% logic here audience! "Logic?I have never heard of her!)
And when I swam to where Atlas was I jumped at him kinda drowning him a bit so we had a war in the ocean perfect.

hour later

Me and Atlas were now laying in Bryans lap because we had our lungs filled with salt water "I'm never going into the ocean again I'm never going into the ocean again I'm never going into the ocean again-" I kept repeating over and over again and so was Atlas while Bryan was hushing us and going through our hair yk the thing what parents do to calm you down or that kind of shit. "Why did you even start a war in the ocean?" Asked grandma "He fucking threw me in the ocean!" I said with coughs she just sighed "Oh dear here drink the grape juice." Inpu handed us the grape juice that Lotus and Atlas bringed earlier "We found it in the bar-" Atlas begin when "What?!" Both Bryan and Inpu said "That's the Jyle juice!" All 4 of us just titled our head in confusion as we did not understand what he meant. Until I remembered 'That's right! The Jyles juice! that's when Inpu and Bryan got drunk and they drank it and Bryan turned into a wolf and Inpu that I don't quite remember well...'




Part 3 coming soon

Did you like that? Well I hope so! I'm sorry that I don't update much but I have some stuff going on and a lot of tests..... I love ya'll💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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