[♤•The accident•♤]

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Irene pov

"Iry Wake up!" Somebody started to shake me awake "Whaaaaat?!" I groaned still half asleep  "Let's playyyyyy." I opened one eye to see that it was Atlas "Atlas it is the middle of the night and I'm tired go to sleep!!" I tried to shoo him away "But Iryyyyy the moon is awake so I am awake!" He whined saying a sentance from frozen 1. I just stayed quiet hoping that if I ignore him he will go away. He though did not give up as he proceeded to force one of my eyes open "Ughhh fine." I groaned as I sat up he grinned proudly at his victory "Let's go full on winter in the house!" He said as he began to drag me down the halls of the mansion.

As we arrived in an empty room that was quite big Atlas looked at me expectingly "Alright watch and learn then." I grinned knowing that he could never learn this.....atleast I think so.

I started making a ball of snow and ice though it wasn't actually a ball of ice and snow it was a bit of my magic stormed in there so when I throw it up to the selling it will explode making snow fall from there.

And so that is what I did Atlas seemed very pleased by this which made me happy as well "Time for ice skating?" He asked with a huge smile I nodded smiling even more as I froze the ground with my foot you know how else did it? Yeah that is how I did it.....a bit cringe not going to lie.

After we did some ice skating I made snow appear and we started making bunch of snow balls to make a snow fight ofcourse we made a small wall too to protect us from the others attack we made a snowman and named him Coolaf and at the very last I made little like you know the things that Anna was jumping on when she got hit by Elsas magic. "Okay ready?" I asked "Hell yeah!" He screamed with excitement "Okay then jump!" I said as I created a pile of snow as he jumped on it we were repeating this process for about 20 minutes before he started jumping too fast that I almost couldn't catch up.

"Atlas slow the heck down!" I said "What I can't hear you?" He said as he jumped and turned towards me and that was the moment when my magic hit him "Atlas!" I yelled as I ran over to him 'Shit shit shit what do I do?!' I started to panic "What's happening?!" Said alarmed Femi as she walked in with a tired Lotus "Oh gosh w-what happened?!" Lotus asked as he ran over to us "Oh gosh he's cold as ice!" Femi touched his forehead "I accidentally shot him with my magic!" I said still panicking "What should we do?!" Lotus asked scared "Um we should probably get him to a warmer place and then figure everything out let's go!" Femi said as she started running out the door with us following her.

After we got to a room that had a fireplace we placed Atlas there and putted bunch of covers over him it worked a little bit but he was still really cold.

I was really mad at myself for letting that happen 'I should've been more careful' I paced around the room nervous as to what will happen and how to save Atlas.

"Irene calm down! You're creating ice!" Lotus said urgently as he shook me awake from my trans of anxiety and fear "Huh?" I looked down at the floor and surely there was the ice "Ah right sorry.." I said as I rubbed the back of my head 'Okay breathe Irene just breathe..' I calmed down a bit not by much but atleast there wasn't any ice on the floor anymore.

"I know what to do!" Femi happily screamed out jumping up "Really?!" Lotus said as he ran over to her "Mhm!" She nodded "Well what is it!" Lotus rushed her to speak "Well I thought that maybe if you putted your magic in him that maybe you could take it out?" She said in questioning manner "I mean I can try.." I said unsure of this idea since it wasn't much of a logical one but meh when did I live by logic?

So I went over to Atlas and I putted my hands over his body concentrating trying to sence my power out so I could grab it. When I finally caught the scent of it I grabbed onto it with my magic as best as I could and I pulled it out which resulted in my hands turning a little blue "Ah-!" I yelped as I landed on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Femi asked I just putted my thumb up signaling that I was fine "Nggh.." Atlas then groaned "Atlas!" Lotus then called out ashe saw Atlas wake up "Oww my heaad.." He groaned with an annoyed tone "Thanks Iri also your hands are blue.." Femi commented I just looked at them "Strange.." I went to put them on the floor but as soon as I did the floor freezed "For the love of-" I groaned "Well have to fix that later too.." Lotus sadly said "Yuuup." Atlas said sounding very tired "We should probably get back to bed though." I suggested and they all nodded very tired.

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