[•Kingdom underwater!•]

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More chapters coming soon! It's gonna get really spicy~~


Irena Pov

So great news we are underwater now! I'm fine I'm taking it calmly..."Irena breath breath!" Inpu said as I couldn't breath from the exidment and shock that I can breathe underwater "I c-c-can brea-" I tried to chocke out out "Yes, yes I know just breathe."Inpu said and hugged me "Okay- okay, I'm fine."I said finally calmed down "So you wanted to talk to somebody?" I asked "Oh yeah well we are going to see Mich!" As He said that some red skinned guy with a horn came "Inpu hi!" So apparently he knows pa- I mean Inpu "Hey Riccaro." Inpu said with a smile "Hi! I'm Riccaro who may you be?" He asked turning to me I decided to speak up for myself  'I hate the damn social anxiety' I thought "I-i'm I-Irena!" I said with a studder and cheerful tone "Well Riccaro I have to go and talk things out with Mich, could you maybe watch over her?" Inpu asked I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't go with him Riccaro smiled with a joy in his voice "Sure! I'm sure that Dina will like her!" I was a bit confused as to who Dina was but I soon figured out that it must be his daughter or something "Bye!" I yelled after Inpu as I saw him leave. Soon enough I left with Riccaro aswell.

Inpu Pov

I walked into the throne room "Inpu.." He said with a tint of nervousness in his voice "Mich." I said with a bit of angry tone "Inpu look I-i'm sorry-" He started but I cutted him off  "I forgive you." I think I setted him off guard "What?" He asked so I repeated myself "I forgive you." He had mix of happiness relief on his face "I know that you weren't in the right set of mind  at that time so- there is no use to hold a garuage." I said my face softening "I- thank you Inpu." I just nodded "So- want to hang out now?" I asked wanting to catch up on a few things "Sure, tea?" He asked "Okay."

Atlas Pov

I was in the garden with Brydad trying to fix this mess all up "Why did they have to fight in the god damn garden!" I said angry "Atlas-" Dad said with a warning tone "Sorry.." I said "And plus I should be the one cursing! Oh my poor garden.." Dad said sadly I sighed and said "This is going to take a long time!" Dad patted me on the head "Well somebody has to fix this." He said "Yeahhh but like couldn't they fight anywhere else then the garden?" I asked burying my head in my arms "Well that is a mystery that you'll have to ask your father later on." Dad said and patted me on my head once more "C'mon let's starts working so we got it done faster." I nodded

3rd Pov

In a very dark, creepy and sus forest you could see a little sparks forming into a portal a person came out of this mysterious portal they had black clothes their hood covered their face but you could see their black and gold hair sticking out of it "Some mischief won't hurt anybody right?" They said with a maniac laughter at the end.



I hope that you liked this guys!! Sorry for the short chapter and the long wait but I hope that you liked it anyway!!! Love ya'll💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

words used: 627

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