{•♤A mysterious dream♤•}

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I'll probably be inactive for a while again ehe....

Irene Pov

"Hello?" I called out into the dark void
"Hello, Irene." Said a  voice that I did not recognize it sounded all twisted "Who are you?!" I said all alarmed "I am you." The twisted like voice said "Wha-" I was about to say when the person showed themselfs infront of me and they really looked like me except the fact that they were a lot more darker..."Well I'm more like your bad thoughts and all but eh what can you do..." This all was getting weird "Uh okay? What do you need then?" I asked like a dummy they slapped their face "I'm here to tell you how to turn back idiot!" They rolled their eyes "Ah okay." I made a goofy smile "Here take this book it has the answers and stuff." They said handing some kind of old book "Thanks..? By the way what should I call you..?" I said as I turned my attention away from the book "Call me Erin I go by she/they." I nodded "Allright Erin nice meeting you!" I smiled they just rolled their eyes "Yeah same."


As the flash faded away I opened my eyes feeling the touch of a grass on my skin. I rubbed my eyes and sat up still a little bit asleep I found myself beying shaken up by Dina "ATLAS! I THIN SHE IS DEAD!" Dina yelled all said "¿Que?" I said as I cracked a laugh even though I felt a bit dizzy "Oh your alive!" Dina said all happy "Yea?" I giggled "Lame.." Atlas said playing with grass "I'm hungry.." Atlas stopped to play with the grass and as if on cue Rose called out from the kitchen which was right next to the garden in the house "C'mon kids it's lunch time!" As we heard that we all jumped up on our feet and we started running "Food!" We all yelled, but before we all left I quickly grabbed the book from the grass it was the one that Erin gave me in the dream 'I wonder how I have it when I received it in a dream..'

                       ~•At the dinner table•~

"I'm vegetarian.." Atlas said looking at the meat which Rose then changed into salad and sandwiches as he sighed. Dina ate everything without a word cuz it was all red and I asked Rose if I could have spaghetti mixed with salad but he said no and gave me just the spaghetti he said something like if I would eat that then I would have stomach ache or something "HOMNOMNOMMNOMNOM!" I said making my voice sound deeper as I was eating and Rose just looked at me with worry in his eyes.

After dinner Rose went to put us all in the bed "Nwooo!" I was yelling while running away from Rose, Atlas and Dina were doing the same. Then suddently I was lifted up in the air with some kind of magic and so was Atlas and Dina "C'mon you'll need the energy for games later~" Rose said with a sweet tone "Fwiinee." I groaned "Lame.." Atlas mumbled and Dina just sadly said "Okay..." He then putted each one of us in our assigned beds "Goodnight~" Rose said before he left. As soon as he left I pulled out the book from under the covers and I started searching which I'm not going to lie was hard because for some reason I couldn't really read 'Ugh I hate this' I was getting all angry when suddently I found a page that read "H-o-w t-o c-u-r-e t-h-e k-i-d c-u-r-s-e." I spelled out and I was happy that I finally found it.

The book said that I'll need to make a potion but both of my parents need to put a bit if their magic in it 'I'll ask Rose about this later' I closed the book and I went to sleep but right as I was about to Rose came in "Morning~" He sang out 'Was I really reading for that long?' I thought with worry "Fuck off.." Me and Atlas groaned. I think that Rose got a bit startled "How do you know that word?" He said with angry yet sweet voice "Uh oh-"

About 35 minutes later of Rose scolding us we went to play with toys well...they did I didn't I went to Rose "U-um Wose?" I said trying to catch his attention "Yes?" He said turning to me "I found a way how tw tuwn back." I smiled "Oh that's lovely!" Rose said with a kinda sad voice so I went over to him and I hugged him "Don't wowwy I'll always be u fwiend!" I said as I was hugging him and then I handed him over the book that was open on the page of how to turn us back "Thanks. Let's do this." Rose said before we started to make the potion.

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