[•♤The chaotic party at the A. manaion♤•]

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Irene Pov

It has been 5 weeks from the incident and things have been pretty alright well except for the fact that Atlas has the end of his wings white and the end of my finger tips sometimes turn blue when I get super duper nervous making it so when I touch things they instantly freeze  but we can put that aside since I usually don't get anxious that much.

Though I do wonder if I will ever get rid of that it gets quite bothersome when it happened because it takes about 4 or 5 hours for it to fade "Drinking contest!" I heard Xylo yell out so I turned around to see him starting a drinking contest with Papa 'Oh dear this will not end well...' I chuckled you see I was currently at the beach that the mansion had and Atlas and I were hosting a beach party you know we are the cool people so we have to have cool parties ain't that right? Anyway I am really glad that Bry-dad agreeded to this because well you see we kinda already invited the people beforehand "WATER FIGGHT!" Dina yelled out as she started splashing water at everyvone and eventually I joined in but in the end we all picked one person to throw all the water at and you can only guess who it was....

"Everyvone splash the water at Mich!" I yelled out giggling "No!" He protested as he tried to escape the torture but it was already too late for that "AHH HELP!" He desperately yelled out to the people that were on the land "Inpu- bleh- control your kids!" He said with a bit of a struggle as the water was getting in his mouth as he spoke. The reason why he said to control me, Femi, Lotus and Atlas was because we splashed a huge pile of water at him and when that happened Brydad was dying of laughter and Papa was laughing a bit too as he was drunk as hell itself and maybe even more then that because well Xylo wanted a round 2 "Somebody please!" He desperately called out and just then his great savour his ice brother came in "Don't worry brother I'll save you!" He said as he jumped in.

         ~•Not even 2 minutes later•~

"DIEEE!" Both me and Atlas yelled at the both of them "I am sorry brother *cough* I failed." Jakey said as water was filling his mouth Mich just made a sad but comforting sound which I assume was supposed to be 'It's okay atleast you tried' then a laughter was hear.

"Oh wow this is one heck of a party!" Grandma entered in all her glory "I know right?" Papas mother laughed "Mom?!" Brydad said with a surprised look on his face and Inpu said the same as he was chugging another glass of alcohol down. And Xylo? He um well from the shock ehm kinda spitted his drink out on Papa and papa got mad from him doing that so he drank another glass of alcohol but he didn't swallow it instead he spitted it out on Xylo "What the-" Brydad said confused "What in the world did I just witness?" Grandma said surprised and confused as well "He needs help.." Mich said as he managed to get back to the surface "Fuck you my child is completely fine!" Inpus mom said while me and Atlas were laughing like maniacs.

"I think that you two should clean up if you don't want to smell like alcohol all day." Cal said as he was drinking some non alcoholic drink with his future self "Agreed." Seductive Rose said as he sipped from his drink it looked like tequila..."Who else did you invited?!" Brydad asked "Liiike everyone we know or heard about hehe..." Me and Atlas said at the same time Brydad just putted his head in his hands "I quite enjoy this party your children sure have a good organising skills." Set said grinning at this point everyvone was almost speechless well except for those who were too drunk to recognize him.

"How-" was all that Cal could said along with Dran "Inpu why do you smell like somebody spitted alcohol at you?" Asked Anubis while laughing even though he still had a bit of an anger in his voice "Oh nOoOOoo *hic* GRuMpy mAN is hERe *hic* mAgNUs sAVe meEeeEEEe!" Papa yelled out after auntie but they just slapped their forehead.

"Let it die! Let it die! Let it swirl up and die! We heard Daveed, David, Bry, Nero singing while dancing around River as he cried on the ground "OooOo that looks fun!" Riccaro commented and soon enough he joined them "Some things never change.." Momiji said while smiling "Yup.." Lotus laughed agreeing "Achoo!" I sudently sneezed and little snowman children appeared "That's cute!" Mario said and I ran over to him as I hugged him.

"Mario! I haven't seen you for so long!" He hugged me back while giggling "Yup long time no see bestie." We then pulled apart "I should probably get back to my girlfriend though chat with you later?" He said "Yep chat later see ya!" I wavwled him a quick goodbye before Atlas ran up to me and whispered something in my ear and I grinned like a maniac.

A few minutes later after discussing the prank we have started it "Why are you doing this?!" Atlas yelled angry and I just rolled my eyes pretending to be annoyed "Shut up Atlas." He pretended to be more angry "No I wanna know why!" He stepped a little closer and now everyvone attention was on us "Is everything alright there?" Asked Future Cal. I turned around and started walking to the ocean "Why,why do you always shit me out? Why do you always shut the world out?" He asked you see if you haven't fought up yet we are doing the Elsa and Anna fight prank pretty good isn't it? "Enough Atlas.." I mumbled as I tried to sound anxious "What is it that you're so afraid of?!" He yelled and I turned around "I said enough!" I yelled swinging my hand in a motion that made ice spikes appear from the ground making skins of a barrior if you have seen frozen then you know what I mean...

"Wow wow bros clam down!" Davis tried to brake up the fight "What do you mean I am calm..." Atlas said turning around "Okay good then let's all sit down and-" Brydad didn't get to finish before Atlas made a snowball out of the snow that was created along with the ice spikes and he threw it at me "You peice of shit!" I gasped and I threw sand at him but he blocked it with his wing " Papa and Brydad yelled out then as everyvone was being overly anxious and were trying to solve the fake situation both of me and Atlas started to laugh.

"Ahahah y-y-you g-g-o-ot-!" I started saying as I was uncontrollably laughing "P-P-Pran-n-nked hahaha!" Atlas finished my unfinished sentance while laughing some of the people laughed as well bit most of them scolded us for giving them almost a heart attack.

       ~•When the party ended•~

"This was a very good day.." Femi said yawning "Yup." Lotus agreeded "Mhm." I smiled my eyelids closing "Sure was.." Atlas said as he dropped down asleep and we all kind of fell asleep 'This is the best life that ai can get and I will never regret living it....' I thought as I snuggled closer to my siblings 'Even if it is just for this one life...'


                                 ~The end~

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