[•Meeting new people•]

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...BTW Irene knows about Xylo and the Jyles juice from her siblings.


Irene Pov

I have woken up slightly sad that I couldn't remember my dream once again...So I got up from the bed and went over to the closet and I pulled out some clothes I had like a button up shirt, hoodie and ripped jeans

So I got up from the bed and went over to the closet and I pulled out some clothes I had like a button up shirt, hoodie and ripped jeans

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So Then I went to brush my hair so it isn't pointing to dozens of diffrent directions and I started to make my way into the bathroom so I could brush my teeth

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So Then I went to brush my hair so it isn't pointing to dozens of diffrent directions and I started to make my way into the bathroom so I could brush my teeth.

When I got there I saw Femi "Hi." I greeted her with a tired tone in my voice she was brushing her teeth at the moment so when she said hi back to me it was muffled a bit I grabbed my own toothbrush and started cleaning my teeth (duh what else could you possibly do)

After I was done I went to the kitchen for breakfest with Femi and on our way there we met Lotus and Atlas "Heey." Atlas said with a yawn "Mornin' " Lotus said half asleep. I said a tired 'Hi' to them aswell but not as tired. To be honest I think that Femi was the most awoken one out of all of us.

When we got to the kitchen I saw both Bryan and Inpu  fully awake 'Gods I wanna know how the frick can the parents get up earlier then the kids' Just then Bryan turned around the table "Morning kids!" He said with such a cheerful smile that there was none tiredness spotted. But when we said our 'Good mornings to them you could hear the tiredness in our voices (except for Femi)

For breakfest we had sandwiches 'yummy' "UhM papa why are there carrots in these two sandwiches?" Lotus asked Inpu just smiled and said "Well Lotus you love carrots right you said that last time so I made you carrot sandwiches!" Lotus just made a nervous laugh "Yep! Carrots how delicious!" Then they started to whisper to us "Does anybody want to trade?" Atlas and Femi made a disgusted face "Sorry no." Lotus looked so sad! I felt bad for him "Hey Lotus, I will give you one of my strawberry jam sandwiches okay?" As I said that his mood lightened up so I gave him one of my sandwiches and he gave me one of his 'My poor strawberry sandwich though..' I thought before I started eating.

After breakfest we were doing boring stuff so I went searching for Inpu. As I saw him I grabbed his arm "Where are you going?" I asked he was suprised for a second but then he replied "I'm going to the camp  I need to talk to a friend of mine." At that I sparked up 'Xylo?!' I thought I heard some stories of him from my siblings and Bryan "Can I come?" I asked with such an innocence in my voice "No sorry things aren't so great right now and you could get hurt." Me beying an ignorant child I kept begging him "Please, please,please,please,please,Please, please,please,please,please,Please, please,please,please,please Pleaaasee??" After about 10 minutes of begging he agreeded I think he did that cause he was gonna be late otherwise. I started humming a song and jumping up and down as we were walking to the camp.

When we arrived I was looking around I stopped by literally everything and sometimes I tried to sneak in other pantheons or just wander somewhere off but Inpu always caught me so when I tried to sneak out for the 1 molionth time he grabbed me by my shoulder and didn't let go :(

When we FINALLY founded Xylo he was talking with some blue haired boy "Xylo! Here you are we've been searching for you everywhere!" Inpu said Xylo laughed a bit and so did the blue haired boy while I was hiding behind Inpu as he putted his arm off of my shoulder "Who is the girl behind you Inpu?" Xylo asked with a concerned playful tone "Well this is Irene I've adopted her." As he said that I heard Mr. Blue hair say "Not to be rude but. ..don't you have enough kids Inpu? " Xylo nodded at his statement and I chuckled a bit "Anyways where are my manners- I am Mich son of Poseidon." When he was done introducing himself I smiled "It's nice to meet you." I said  with a bit of a shaking voice "And I'm Xylo the son of Hades." I nodded "I'm Irene." I said smiling "Well Xylo I wanted to discuss something with you." Inpu said with a bit of a harsh tone while looking at Mich though I didn't understand why Mich seems like a nice guy to me. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder again and I was beying dragged by Inpu.

They are talking about some boring stuff by the campfire and I'm stuck with them I'm so bored when uh-oh I see Cal coming if you're wondering of how I know him well I can travel through dimensions timelines and stuff right? Call once stopped me and explained to me how bad it is to go through every dimension, timelines and try to find mine that it's practically hopeless so he said that I should stay in one for now untill he can help me. "Hey Cal!" Inpu said as he noticed Cal making a seat for himself by the camp fire with us "Hey Inpu-" Then he stopped himself dead in the tracks.

Cal Pov

"Hey Inpu-" I said but I then stopped dead in the tracks it's the kid that I told to pick one dimension or timeliness to live in for now...she gave me a award wave "Heeeyyyyy Cal." She awkwardly said "Hey Irene didn't think you would pick this one." I said suprised "Not really a choice yk I kinda fell ahaha." She said with a nervous laugh "God you gotta be more careful!" I said I was kinda worried for the kid she could've gotten herself hurt "I will." I think that Inpu was a bit confused tho "You two know each other?!" Oh so he doesn't know about her lil bit of powers "Yeah I met her while I was jumping from dimensions to dimensions." He nodded I don't think that he fully beloved the lie but at least he believed some of it "How have you been though?" I asked to throw the dimensional topic out the window "I've been doing fine! I just adopted Irene :)" As he said that I mentally slapped myself "You gotta work more on your socialising skills." As I said that he just made a confused face. Then he looked at his clock  "Well it was nice seeing you and all but I gotta talk to somebody.." He said with quite a angry tone 'Maybe he's gonna talk to Mich? Who knows..'

Irene Pov

Inpu looked at his clock and said "Well it was nice seeing you and all but I gotta talk to somebody.." He said it with a angry tone so we the end said goodbye to Xylo who was half asleep now and Cal. "Where are we going?" I asked "We're going to a place underwater..."




Well I hope that you liked that I have had no sleep I was up all night writing this from 9pm-1am and now it's almost 4 am so my sleep go oop. Anyway Love ya'll 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

words used:1287

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