To the mall

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School holidays. The most waited and anticipated time for a student. Most of the student of Acadia High have gone home to enjoy the short holiday.

As for the boys, they have all agreed to go to the mall to spend time together. They are now inside a restaurant, a famous one, to fill their stomachs.

"So what are we going to do today?" Cyclone asked, grabbing his set of cutlery.

"Let's watch a movie." Solar suggested. "There's a trending movie right now. The ratings are overwhelming!" Solar added.

"If the ratings are that good, we have to watch it!" Thorn said, convinced to watch it.

"There's a screening at 2." Blaze said, showing his screen, stating the screening time of the movie.

"You guys better eat if you want to watch the movie." Thunder said, lying back in his seat with a finished plate. The boys were jaw dropped.

"How did you- didn't your food came in just now?" Quake asked. 'How does he eat so fast, does he not chew?' Quake monologued, still surprised.

"I am the element of lightning. I am speed myself." Thunder smiled mockingly, praising himself. "Now eat your food. It's less delicious if it's cold."

The boys snapped back to their half touched food. They hurriedly ate their food, making sure to savour the taste.

"I'm paying." Ice said, standing up right away after swallowing his food. Ice left the table to the counter. Few minutes after, he came back. "Let's go."

Rushing to the cinema, they lined up in a queue not so long but not to short either. Waiting for something they want felt like hours. Thankfully, it's their turn in line.

"Hi welcome to Green Screen Cinema's. What do you boys want to watch today?" The receptionist asked.

"7 tickets for the Cruella movie." Quake said.

"Here you go! Screening's at 2, hall 7. Enjoy!" The receptionist said handing the tickets to Quake. Thanking the receptionist, they scurried into the screening hall.

Upon entering, they saw their friends from the training camp.

"Yo bro! Long time no see." Blaze greeted them, earning a smack from Ice. The team of four waved back at Blaze, laughing.

"Quiet down, Blaze! People are looking again." Ice said, more like a whisper. Blaze massaged the smacked spot, sitting down on his seat.

Soon after, the movie started. The boys laid back in their seats enjoying the movie.


"The movie was awesome!" Thorn said happily satisfied.

"Now what should we do?" Ice said, stretching out his limbs from sitting to long.

"I want to head to the bookstore." Solar said.

"Typical book worm." Blaze and Thunder said simultaneously.

Solar rolled his eyes. "It's a limited edition book. I have to get my hands on it."

"Okay how about this. We'll go wander of by ourselves and meet in front of the stationary shop." Quake, being the leader he is, stopped the 3 boys from getting into a fight.

"Sounds good to me." Cyclone said, supporting Quake's action.


"Where is it?" Solar asked himself under his breath, his finger casually gliding by the books. "Found it!" Solar grabbed the book out of its shelf.

"Serialjimin huh? What a weird name for an author. What's it about though? Looks interesting." Someone approached from behind, Solar flinched out of the sudden approach.

"Oh Quake. It's just you." Solar calmed his thumping heart. "You surprised me." Quake chuckled lightly.

"Sorry, Sol." Quake apologised, standing beside Solar, his hand on Solar's shoulder.

"I want to go pay. You want anything?" Solar said, turning to Quake. Quake shook his head, declining Solar's offer. Solar nodded and walked off to pay for the book.

"Let's go. I'm done here." Solar snapped Quake out of his trance. Walking of together to the stationary shop. Looking around, someone called out for the two boys.

"Solar! Quake!" Cyclone came by running, stopping himself right before clashing with them.

"What is it Cy?" Quake questioned. What was so shocking that he had to find them?

"It's not that important actually but..." Cyclone paused, taking a deep breath. "There's a music festival this Thursday and I thought that we should go."

"You ran all the way here to talk about this? I thought someone fainted or something else." Solar interrupted.

"Oh yeah and that too." Cyclone said, straightforwardly. Solar and Quake were surprised. Cyclone smirked slyly. "Just kidding."

"Tell that in the group chat. We'll go to the music festival." Quake said.
"Do you have the avenue though?"

Cyclone nodded, taking his phone out of his pocket and began typing into the group chat.


We're going to a music festival next
Here's the avenue xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx



Has anyone seen Ice? Our mom is here
to pick us up.

I'm in the toilet. Wait for me, Blaze.

Be quick! Mom's this 🤏🏻 close in raging.

Let's go home everyone. See you all on Thursday.



See you there!!

Bye bye people!

Ice! Your dead meat. Mom is searching
for you.


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