Chapter 1

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There's usually a key under the door mat. I read the black welcome engraved into the old worn mat and lifted up. I reached for a key but there was nothing there. Frustrated I lifted the entire mat up still finding nothing and had no choice but to walk to my neighbors house 2 streets away.

I remembered what my parents had told me about about walking in the neighborhood alone or without parental supervision.

1) Keep a low profile dont talk to strangers unless spoken to.

2) If a stranger did talk to you, just say hi and rush past them as if you didnt know what they were saying;act as if you were in a hurry.

3) If a stranger tried anything with you scream as loud as you could.

I had only made it to the mailbox when I hurd a lound thump. I turned scanning slightly over my shoulder for sighns of an intruder, but only found the mat turned over into a pileof bushes. I mumbled a curse and went to place the mat back on the doorstep and there in front of me was the shining silver key to the front door.

I scolded myself. How could I miss it? The key was right there in plain sight. I was not in the mood. Makeup dripped down my face, my hair was a brown curly mess. My skin was pale and smudged with dirt. My new shirt ruined. My eyes glowed green with fury as I looked into the window reflection of myself. I was a mess and that was the first thing I did. Run up stairs and take a nice hot shower. Wash my hair with its strawberry scent and settle down with a nice book from Wattpad. JadaWesley's Mr. Strong my favorite.

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