Chapter 3

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Delphi understood her father and his concerns about Forrest, she decided not to tell him where she actually was, in fear that he would flip out. Her mother came in and frantically asked her questions, and Delphi calmed her and told her she stayed with a friend. "Oh thank god, when I went to your room, you weren't there and I feared the worst." her mother said. "I called for your father and we discussed where you could've gone, I was so worried" her father nodded.

"I'm sorry I worried you, Mommy..."Delphi consoled her mother. Her mother silently cried in her daughter's arms. Delphi's father looked at them and then hugged Delphi. "The only thing that matters now is that you're okay..." her father said. When her mother let go, Delphi went to her room and went to get different clothes on. Her mother asked her about Forrest, and Delphi described him as a kind soul. Her mother then asked if he'd ever come around their house, Delphi explained that he'll do it when he's ready.

"I want to meet him though!" Her mother said. "Mother, in due time, you will," Delphi replied. As far as she was aware, Delphi knew that her mother was obsessed with spending time with her and her father. She was very happy to have her daughter but was a little uncomfortable that she had a boyfriend. When she was a little, Delphi was constantly held by her mother, even if she didn't want to be. When Delphi hit puberty, her mother had an anxiety attack, knowing her daughter may not want to be around her most of the time.

Delphi's father has threatened to leave them for her mother's ways of life, so she soon decided to install a phone tracker on their phones. Delphi became uncomfortable being stalked by her mother and tried to reason with her why she felt uncomfortable with her mother. She was afraid of her mother finding out about her secret meetups with Forrest, so she started leaving her phone at home. Forrest picked her up every Friday night and they decided that it would be "Date Night". And after the dinner or movie, they would go to a motel and get busy.

At some point, her parents asked what she's actually doing on Fridays and why she always goes before or after dinner, she told them she was just going on dates with her boyfriend. Her father didn't believe her, and he was suspicious and had her go through what goes on during their dates. Delphi became quiet, and she was afraid of telling her parents about what went on after the dinners or the movies. She awkwardly told her father that she was just with Forrest and that she was going to a movie or to dinner. Her father sensed that she was hiding something, and started to try prying her to tell.

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