Chapter 24

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When the ninth month finally came, Delphi was babysitting Emmett with Forrest. Then suddenly, she got a sharp pain and stood up, only to have her water break. Forrest quickly grabbed her and drove her to the hospital with Emmett. She was sent to the maternity ward and Forrest called both his and Delphi's parents and told them the news. Both sets of parents ran to the hospital and asked the receptionist where Forrest was.

The receptionist explained that he wanted to be with Delphi while she gave birth, they nodded. "Well, I guess we have to wait here." Forrest's father said. Emmett had to wait with them and mostly sat on his mother's lap. As they sat there, they all worried. It only took 20 minutes and both Kenji and Miyu were born, 10 minutes apart.

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