Halloween (A Bunch of ships)

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3rd person

"I cant wait for tonight" Luz squealed in delight, Amity smiled at her girlfriend "remind me again what were doing?" Amity ask. Luz smirks "well since the Boiling Isles doesn't celebrate Halloween you me and the others are going to go on a one night only trick or treating event in the human realm" Luz has

been planning this since the portal was fixed. "I still don't understand the point" Amity says crossing her arms while walking down the path, Luz tilted her head "because its fun there doesn't have to be a point to everything" Luz says laughing. the girls arrive at hexside and are greeted by willow and Gus

"she seems excited" Willow says talking to Amity, Luz is jumping up and down like a little kid. Amity smiles "shes soo excited for tonight, by the way is Boscha coming too?" Amity asks. Willow nods "yep, she and I are going as peanut butter and jelly" Willow says I laugh thinking about Boscha dressed up

in something ridiculous, "Amity!!!!!" Yelled Luz before jumping on Amity knocking her to the ground. "Luz!!!" Amity yelled in frustration, Luz laughed "your cute when your mad" Luz says making Amity turn red. "Hey Mittens" Both the twins say walking up to the group of teens, "Hey Ed hey Em, are yall

coming tonight?" Luz asks Edric and Emria nod, "yeah me and Viney are going as a princess and her knight and shinning armor" Emria says. Edric smiles "Me and Hunter are going as characters from Steven universe a show me and him like to watch" Edric says, "Me and Matt are going as ghost, simple and classic" Gus

says joining in the conversation. Luz smiles "I'm going as a Bat and Amity is going as a cat" Luz says proudly, Amity laughs "Ok well we better get to class" Amity says. the group nods in agreement and separates into their own classes, after class all the couples meet at the owl house. Luz, Amity, Boscha,

and Willow are putting on make up and changing into their costumes when Hooty interrupts, "Hoot, the others are here, Hoot" he says and leaves before Amity can murder him. the four of them head down stairs Boscha hid behind Willow not wanting people to see her Peanut butter shirt and head

piece, "wow!! you all look so great!!" yelled Luz looking at all the people. Viney was dressed as a knight but was holing her helmet, Emria was next to her in a teal dress with a nice crown on top. Next to them stood the four boys two who were covered in white sheets with eye holes while the other two

were two different colors one red and one blue, they also had a gem of their color on a necklace. (if you don't know their Ruby and Safire from Steven universe) Boscha still hiding from everyone's gaze but was on the couch with willow, Luz has on bat wings a black dress she got from Amity as well has had on dark black eyeliner and nice combat boots, while Amity had on white cat

ears with cute small braids in her purple hair Luz did, she was wearing a white dress and had drawn on whiskers and a nose. "ok everyone, ready to go?" Luz asked Everyone nodded, Luz clicked the key and the portal appeared. One by One they entered the world, the witches looked amazed by the moon lit

sky lighting up the grass before them, they followed Luz to the street there the children of the neighborhood ran up and down the decorated street in cute costumes ready for a sugar rush, "ok everyone before we start a few things to note, one if you want candy you have to walk up to the house

knock and say trick or treat, second try to keep yourself out of trouble we don't want to cause a problem and lastly have fun, stay with your partner and meet back here in two hours ok?" Luz says getting a murmur of a responds. the big group splits into teams of two, each couple went to a

different house, Boscha and Willow walked to a house covered in orange lights a carved pumpkins, Willow walks up to the door and knocks the door swings open and a couple in their late thirty's stands in their wake "trick or treat" Willow and Boscha says willow being a lot louder than Boscha, "aww how

cute, here you go" the woman hands the girls two chocolate bars and closes the door. meanwhile on the other side of the street Hunter and Edric are splitting candy between the two of them little does Hunter know Edric is just going to steal it all back later, Emria and Viney have skipped the whole trick

or treating bit and entered a Halloween party down the street, "Babe, we have to leave in a few minutes" Viney says to Emria, Emria nods and follows Viney tripping on the welcome mat out the door. At the Noceda's house Amity and Luz finished trick or treating early and decided to watch a

movie, Gus and Matt joined them after an hour. "so did you three enjoy trick or treating?" Luz asks holding Amity's hand, "it was awesome!" Gus said Matt shrugged "if Gus enjoyed it I did to" he said with a small smile. Luz looks at Amity "what about you?" she ask, Amity snuggled closer to Luz "this is

my favorite part" she says sleepily wrapping her arms around Luz's waist. they went back to the abandon house and waited for everyone to get there, "that was amazing" said Emria running hand and hand with Viney down the path, "same here sis" Edric says walking behind the couple. "now were just

waiting for Boscha and Willow" Luz said trying to keep head count. "were here!!!" yelled Willow, "sorry were late Boscha didn't want to stop trick or treating" Willow concluded. Boscha shrugged "what? I liked it, it was fun" Boscha said, everyone laughed. "ok ready?" Luz asked everyone nodded, Luz

clicked the key and the portal appeared one by one everyone was though the door except for Luz and Amity, Luz looked at Amity and smiled "Maybe we can come back for Christmas?" Luz said Amity

shrugged "Maybe" Amity replied and kissed Luz on the cheek. "Lets go" Amity said jumping through the portal, Luz chuckled and followed soon after, Spooky season is over until next year have a happy Halloween.....

words:1076 10/29/2021

this is the last of the Halloween short storys and one shots I hope you enjoyed spooky humans and I cant wait for Christmas, also I might be taking a break because I'm moving next week but I will continue soon..... ok Byeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!......

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