Dating Monica Geller includes...

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-Her giving the best advice. She gets annoyed if you don't take it, but when you do she's really happy to see you relieved or excited

-Being there for her when she gets insecure

-Her getting really happy and even more in love when you're good with kids and that makes her more clingy

-Being able to tell when she's nervous or hiding something because she's a bad liar and you both know it. She always insists she can lie- not because she has anything to hide, she just doesn't like being told she can't do anything

-When she feels bad about her weight you always make her feel better and let her know she's beautiful

-Her being super cute when she tries to impress you, especially in the early stages before you two start dating. She'd be doing something and keep looking back to make sure you see it

-Matching couple outfits that are probably her idea

-Obviously she cooks for you

-And obviously you try to cook for her but you fail miserably and just settle for a PB&J

-Catching her binging in the middle of the night and joining her. She gets really embarrassed initially but is happy when you don't get weird

-Always knowing when she's stressed or upset

-Her being really appreciative of how you're able to calm her down so easily


A/N: Like Ross, Monica gets on my nerves a little but I still love her.

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