C • 2 : Rend the Flesh, Break the Bones

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Christopher opened his eyes, he found himself in a dim-lit prison cell. He knew these bars, he knew the echoing groans and moans of half-bloods young and old that repeatedly slammed against his head. He remembered this horror, the horrible wrenching in his gut, the vile sickness and nausea. He remembered it well, and he hated it.

His heart immediately began to beat faster than it ever had, and his breathing quickened to a pace that was almost even with his speeding heart.

"No. No, no, no! Elizabeth! Demi! Vaelan! Someone help! Get me out of here!" His voice echoed and reverberated back to him, slamming into his head twice as loud.

A figure in white armor dropped down, he had blonde hair with orange ends. Christopher knew the man that his organic and cybernetic cyan eyes were starting at. He was the same man that haunted the minds and dreams of Vaelan and Demi. He stood far above Christopher, though shorter than Vaelan, yet his physique was far bulkier than Vaelan's. Standing before him was Evan.

"Prisoner 000-Z, welcome back to hell. I regret to inform you that you'll be starting right where you left off. The installment of your angel wings," Evan opened the cell door and gestured for Christopher to walk out.

Christopher was then guided through the halls and into an elevator, his mechanical parts slamming against the pale tile. He kept his eyes down and tried not to show too much emotion. He'd been training for so long to be able to fight back against the Order, and yet he was useless now.

When he studied the buttons and lights in the elevator, he discovered that he was starting on the sixth floor and currently descending to the eighth floor. His heart quickened again.

As they walked through the halls of the lowest floor, crossing their path was a tall agent in black armor as opposed to the typical white, a skull-like mask covering the agent's face. In his arms, in a white shirt and black shorts was Anna, her arms had been turned to machines and her legs were covered in scars.

"Anna?" Christopher started, the girl beginning to stir, "Anna! Anna!"

The girl woke up and stared at him with constricted eyes as he was punched to the ground and kicked onto his side by Evan.

The girl forced her way to the ground and crawled to him, her robotic arms striking the dull white tile. Her once long, blonde hair had been shaved down to the scalp and her blue eyes shone with worry. She opened her mouth to speak, but could only croak, and she was eventually forced to whisper out of desperation.

"Chris, I wanna go home."

He grabbed hold of her now robotic hands, "We'll get you out of here, I promise."

Something struck against his head and everything went black as pain surged through his skull and neck.

He woke up, his face was trapped between cushions and he was stuck facing the ground. His back was horrifically numb and his upper legs that were once organic had lost all feeling, he knew that his legs were now fully cybernetic. He couldn't move his arms, and his throat was horrifically sore, whirs and clicks pressed against his ears, and when his leg twitched, there was small clinking noise as it tapped against the metal table that he sat on.

An echoing voice broke the dreadful silence.

"Subject and Prisoner 000-Z, Christopher Seraph, welcome back to the angel project," a strange man walked up and sat in front of him as the table turned upward so that Christopher could see the man, the wall behind him, and part of the floor.

He opened his mouth trying to say, "Where am I?" But found that he couldn't even move his mouth, it too was numb.

The man had hazel irises and brown hair and looked like a normal human.

Half-Bloods R • 1: Fallen WorldWhere stories live. Discover now