C • 18 : Calcified Nerves, Cauterized Flesh

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It had been a few days since Anna's release from the hospital, and so far she was adjusting well to new life, though there were some hiccups immediately. The girl was understandably afraid of knives and other sharp objects. Along with this, she couldn't read or write due to being raised in the facility, the Order only cared if she could speak. Her greymus was also a problem, she often walked with a crutch, two if the weather was bad enough as they had found out the previous day. Her asthma was also a minor inconvenience considering they hadn't yet gotten her an inhaler. Though with Vaelan's help and Demi's expertise in healing magic, she was living well, like a daughter to the two.

Elizabeth hadn't had any chance to help yet, though Vaelan did say that when the time came, they would all help to homeschool the girl. Elizabeth and Anna actually got along well, in the two days that they knew each other, the two had eaten a large mass of greasy fast-food and chocolaty junk food.

Now Elizabeth was wandering through Houston searching for a chocolate or candy shop to enjoy. She was also searching for a flower shop so she could take a gift to the still unconscious Christopher.

"Hey! Elizabeth!" A voice called, when she spun around, she was met by Villin's elite, Animus.

"Oh, hey," she said, "What're you up to?"

"Let's train!" He said, coating his hands in ice and shadow.

Elizabeth looked at him for a moment, studied him, then shrugged and kept walking, eventually joining a crowd as she turned down the road to her right, "Nah."

He ran after her, "Don't you run from me! We're gonna spar, I'm gonna find out if I'm better than the Glutton Chimera!"

"No, thanks," she said, trying to wave him away, as the pedestrians all began to stare.

He groaned, "Damn it, train with me!"

"I said no!" She shouted, now they had the full sidewalk's attention.

They stood and glared at each other for a moment, the pedestrians' whispers flooding her head. She walked away, and he followed.

What the hell is with this guy?

He grabbed her arm and she retaliated by swinging around and striking him in the side, yet his grip remained tight despite his eyes tearing up as pain shot through him.

"Please," he said, "I've gotten weaker without Villin, and so have the others, train me so I can train them."

Elizabeth looked at him and felt a twinge of guilt for hitting him. She sighed, "Fine, but you're buying me lunch first because damn, I'm hungry."

The two made their way to a local Mexican restaurant, staying completely silent as they walked. Elizabeth still scanned the area for a chocolate or candy shop, but ultimately found nothing. They ended up sitting at a booth in the corner of the restaurant. As they waited for the waitress to bring them their food, Elizabeth tried to lighten the mood.

"So what do you guys do all the time?" She asked, leaning against the wall.

"What do you mean?" Animus took a sip of his drink and quickly recoiled, "Ah! Too sweet."

Huh, kinda like Villin and Vaelan.

"You know, besides training and moping about Villin being gone?"

Elizabeth sniffed the air and knew that their food would be coming soon. She licked her lips and sat up straight.

"You mean, you don't constantly train to keep up with the others?" Animus was completely thrown off, his voice almost trembled a bit.

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