C • 27 : Hang the Innocent, Preserve the Guilty

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It had been a few days since the battle in Houston, Vaelan had been taking care of Anna on his own for a time, getting to know the young angelic cyborg. The two had been visiting their unconscious friends as they were treated in the hospital. Today, they decided to visit them all again. Anna dropped from Vaelan's shoulders as they entered Christopher's new hospital room. Christopher had his eyes fixed on a stack of notes held on a clipboard that he gripped between two mechanical fingers.

"Just barely waking up, and there's already so much they want me to secretly research!" Christopher looked at the half-archdevil and young cyborg, "Oh, hey Anna, Vaelan. Sorry about the trouble I caused," his eyes dropped, his aura was weak.

"You're fine, Chris," Vaelan said, as Anna walked up and grabbed her fellow cyborg's hand, "It's not your fault that you lost control of the Fallen Angel."

"But it is though," Christopher growled with a viciously hoarse voice, clenching his fists, his hands clicking, "I tried my best, but I couldn't contain its power. I need to train more, I need your help, and Villin's too. You and her have demonic levels of constraint. Pun intended."

Vaelan forced out a "Ha," before looking at Anna, whose wide eyes jumped to him for a moment. "So, Chris, have you heard the news?"

Christopher looked at Anna and patted her head, "She's becoming an elite and Chimera trainee despite her preexisting conditions. Yeah, I know. I hate it, but we can't do nothing about it."

It was then that Vaelan noticed a small white marking beneath Anna's right eye. Christopher noticed it too, getting in close and trying to rub it away as Anna looked on with a confused smile.

"Why are you messing with my Angel-mark?" Anna tilted her head, giggling in her usual hoarse voice.

"Your what?" Christopher murmured.

"Nephilim says the mark represents our bond," Anna smiled, rather sweetly.

"I'm still lost here," Christopher said as Vaelan walked up to Anna and kneeled.

He poked at the mark and was shocked to see it warp around and away from his finger. When he pulled his finger away, the mark reformed itself, and Anna stared at him with an amused smirk.

"Nephilim says you frighten him," she chirped.

Vaelan grinned, "I believe it, the presence of a greater-archdevil must be at least the tiniest amount of intimidating to him, even if I am just half of one."

Christopher turned his attention back to the clipboard while tapping his fingers on his mechanical legs, muffled clicks pressing through the thin blankets. He looked at Vaelan, his metal eye shining, and his hair draped over his shoulders.

"There're still a few more tests they have to perform on my new parts, but I'll be released in a few days, so I'm pretty excited."

"That's good," Vaelan crossed his arms, "Elizabeth will definitely be happy to hear that."

"Oh yeah, Elizabeth! I heard she was admitted, how is she?" Christopher quickly lit up.

Vaelan opened his mouth but was caught off guard when Anna spoke for him.

"She's been unconscious, but she gained a serious power boost during her fight!" Anna's eyes shone bright with enthusiasm.

She's definitely got the spirit and energy of a soldier when she's not being shy. Training and refinement of her power will be good for her, though I still don't like that she's going to be a soldier.

"Well," He stood and walked to the door, "I'll leave you two to catch up while I go see Elizabeth, be back in a bit Anna."

He walked through the door and into the hallway. He scratched his nose, Anna, I honestly don't know what to do with you.

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