C • 17 : Skull to Brain, Bone through Heart

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Demi played the music through her earbuds again, humming along to the melody she created. The song was gentle and quick, flowing like ocean waves with the vigor of fire and flame. A symphony of strings swooped in, as the marching brass and woodwinds shifted into a waltz. As the music pushed forward, two sudden notes from one of the low string instruments threw off the rhythm, she sighed and placed her earbuds aside as she stood and walked towards the door to her room.

She'd been at work for hours today, Vaelan had even left her a plate of breakfast tacos, that she was now holding in her hand before he and Anna left. Demi walked into the hallway, then turned right into the kitchen.

The house was empty. She stood in the quiet and breathed.

A sudden doorbell ring made her jump.

She headed to the door and opened it, revealing the Wasp Elite triage. Kal, Val, and Thal immediately spoke, "Is he home?"

"Sorry boys, Vaelan is out right now, but if you want some grilled cheese, come on in!" She pulled the door even further open and ushered the three inside.

Val, dressed in a red leather jacket, asked, "Grilled cheese, that's it? But you got those tacos right there."

Demi snorted, "Nah, these are from Vaelan, I'm bad at cooking."

"Can't be that bad," Kal stepped up.

"Trust me, it's either microwaved or grilled cheese with me, and we don't got a whole lot in this hotel room. Besides, you're guests, y'all eat what I give you," she smiled.

Thal spoke next, "Fair enough."

"So, other than bugging Vaelan, what else is on your agendas for today?"

"It's our day off, and we got nothing to do, so we came here to visit a friend," Thal said as Demi walked to her fridge and leaned down.

She dragged a stick of butter and a pack of cheese slices out of the fridge, then stood and kicked the fridge close. She turned to them, an eyebrow raised.

"Friend? We're friends? Guys, I'm flattered, but we've only met a few times," she said.

"We're still friends though," Val said.

"Yeah!" His brothers agreed.

Demi's phone vibrated, she pulled it out and clicked on the notification. Her security app opened and showed a grey-haired woman in the lobby, boldly wearing a white Order uniform, the black emblem emblazoned on her chest. The woman stood there and looked at the camera, and seemingly at Demi, her eyes glowing similarly to the calm depths of Villin's eyes.

"What the hell?" Demi whispered.

"What's up?" Thal asked.

She looked at them and tossed the food back into the fridge, "Trouble in the lobby, go the long way around and see if you sneak up on her. I'll confront her first," she tied her hair into a bun.

"Is it agent?" The three asked.

"No idea," she walked out the door and made her way to the elevator, as the Wasp siblings went down the hallway opposite of her.

The elevator dropped slowly to the floor below and Demi walked out. Standing in front of her was the woman, her eyes shining like a ruby and a sapphire. Looking at her aura was sickening and painful, she swore that she was seeing wrong, the woman's aura seemed to be more intense than even Villin and Vaelan's.

She wore an altered uniform, caped sleeves over her arms, armor plating protecting her chest, sides, legs, and belly. At her hips were holstered rods, with smooth handles.

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