C • 8 : Drain the Heart, Cut the Brain

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Vaelan and Demi had spent their morning training with Vaelan's squadron, a group of twelve elite soldiers and warmages that he believed were strong enough to keep up with him. Of the twelve, three of them were exceptionally strong, strong enough to be elite warmages, at least in his opinion. These three were Karliah, a hemomancer with short black hair and a muscular frame whose blood magic frightened even Vaelan. Then there was Wyrt, a pyromancer with light brown skin and a buzz-cut whose explosive power rivaled even Demi's. Finally, there was Sam, a short aeromancer with black hair who could stop even a high-level agent in their tracks.

Karliah walked up to Vaelan, drenched in sweat, "So how much longer till we get going?" Her voice carried a large amount of confidence, more than even Demi or Elizabeth, and her hand on the hip stance would always confuse Vaelan.

Where does she get that confidence from?

"In a little over four hours, we'll have another hour of training, then you guys can hit the showers and suit up," he told her.

Karliah nodded, her thin eyes glimmering with life, before heading back to the others as Demi walked over and threw her head against his arm.

"You okay?"

She nodded and yawned, "Just tired."

"You're lucky I don't cut you from the mission," he told her.

Her head immediately shot up with panicked eyes, "What?"

He placed his hands on her shoulders and slowly shook her, "You haven't been sleeping properly, it doesn't take a lot of attention to see it."

"I'm fine, Vaelan," she smiled, but Vaelan could see through her tired eyes.

"Take a nap while I go see what members of your squad can come with us," he told her, but she just shook her head, "Demi, take a nap, please. For me?"

She looked into his eyes. Amazing, he thought, even when she was tired she was stunning. She nodded and slowly walked over to one of the benches and laid down as Vaelan turned and looked at his squadron.

They were all staring at him, Karliah even had a smug smile.

"Well, go on and train, you bastards!" He said, trying to hide his amused smile.

Elizabeth walked in, ready to train, but Vaelan grabbed her by the shoulder and dragged her away with him.

They made their way to the hospital where waiting just outside the entrance stood five members of Demi's squadron. Vaelan walked up to them.

"Are you the only ones?" He asked.

They all nodded solemnly, then one stepped forward. A man about Vaelan's age, only a couple inches shorter, he had fluffy brown hair and dual-colored eyes.

"Where's Demi?" The man asked.

"Resting, as you all should be, but I've been told that you're all quite persistent," Vaelan said, glaring at all of them, they all quickly lowered their heads, "Time for you all to meet my squad-"

A sudden voice cut him off, "Elite Warmage Kemandarro." A growling male voice sounded off.

Vaelan turned and saw three soldiers, all were adorned in black armor. The one that spoke stood in the center between two female soldiers.

None of them seemed to give off a large aura, and none seemed familiar, but Vaelan instantly recognized them as Villin's squadron. She rarely spoke of them but from what Vaelan had gathered, they turned down the opportunity to become Elite Warmages and Chimeras, stating that they didn't need fancy abilities and training to take down an agent.

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