C • 28 : Nails through Palms, Knives through Heels

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Elizabeth and Christopher had finally been released from the hospital, but they hadn't received the welcome party they were hoping for. Instead, Vaelan and Demi said "Welcome back, you two should start getting ready to go back to the Chimera House," and went on their way. Vaelan left for San Antonio to return to his search for his sister, while Demi departed to talk with Arva.

Now Christopher and Anna were reading, Christopher on the bed, Anna on the floor with her back against the couch, while Elizabeth simply packed away her clothes and items.

"Hey, Anna," she said as she stuffed away a black hairbrush, "Whatcha reading there?"

"Nephilim's helping me read 1984," Anna said, her eyes never shifting away from the pages.

"A book about an entire year, huh? Must be a boring read," Elizabeth shrugged as Christopher stood and walked towards Anna, before turning stiff and shouting, "Wait, your angel's helping you? Chris, why does she get the nice one, and you get the mean one?"

He ignored the question as kneeled and plucked the book from Anna's fingers. He folded the corner of the page, and looked at Elizabeth, "Have you seriously never heard of it, Elizabeth, it's an old book about a man who does his best to secretly rebel against his government. In a way, it sort of relates to the modern world. An overpowering government that intentionally crushes its people and opponents using lies and espionage. It's rather interesting. Though it's got some themes that are probably too much for you, right now," he patted Anna's head.

Surprisingly, Anna looked at him with piercing eyes, a cold aura rising off her body for a moment, before quickly displaying disappointment, her aura fading away. "Man, I was enjoying it, though."

"Tell you what, you can read mine, I've been meaning to reread 1984 anyways," he walked to the bed, picked up his book, and handed it to Anna.

"Woah, hefty. Hefty?" she huffed, closing her eyes for a moment, "Yeah, that's the word. Harry Potter?"

"An older book about magic and sorcery, I think you'll like it," Christopher told her.

"Mm," Anna grunted, opening to the first page and going silent.

Christopher returned to the bed and opened the book, letting his imagination create the world described to him. Elizabeth flopped onto the couch and turned her head to the book in Anna's hands.

An itch drilled into his head.

What's up?

He looked at the ceiling as he turned his attention inward, his demonic sister kept quiet.

Madelyn, you there?

Silence remained. He focused and dug deeper, straining to find the voice and presence of his sister. The scent of salt fell into the air.

"Chris," Elizabeth's voice struck him.

He turned his head down. Elizabeth held a crystalline blade in her hand and Anna crouched down behind her. The two had their eyes trained on him.

"I can't feel its power rising this time, I think it's trying to destroy Madelyn, my demon," he gripped his head as pain settled in.

He groaned in pain as his skull began to tighten.

"Elizabeth," he said, reaching out his hand, "Put me asleep! Please!"

She hesitantly stepped forward and tapped his hand. Violet energy spiraled up his arm and stabbed into his body, forcing him to sleep immediately.

Half-Bloods R • 1: Fallen WorldWhere stories live. Discover now