C • 29 : Tar in Lungs, Blood in Stomach

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Demi walked into the room, Christopher and Elizabeth stood on her left, and Ford lingered on her right. In front of the group was a large one-way mirror, through which they saw another room. A small table and two chairs sat in the room. In one of the chairs was Agent Thirty-two, a human with short maple hair and bright blue eyes. He stared at the table before him, smiling gently with tired eyes.

Ford scratched at his head, shaking up his unkempt hair, and yawned, "So why did he call the three of you here?"

"Apparently, he wanted his info to reach us directly," Christopher said, shaky confidence in his voice.

"So, why the hell'd you drag me along? I'm not needed here," he said.

"What? Of course you're needed here, Ford!" She smiled, grabbing Ford and playfully shaking him by the shoulders.

"For what then?" He asked, half-amused.

Demi stopped and lingered in thought, "Uh, you uh—" She looked at his tired face "—Okay, I'm sorry! I just really wanted to hang out today, and I didn't want to cancel, so I just brought you here instead."

"Demi, what do you mean cancel? You never even asked to hang out," Ford rubbed his arm as she finally let go.

"I didn't?" She asked.

"Nope," he shakily reached and patted her shoulder.

Damn it, me! She thought.

"Guys, it's about to start," Elizabeth hissed, prompting Demi and Ford to take their original spots.

"Too bad there aren't any chairs in here," Demi groaned.

"I mean, there are, but," Elizabeth pointed a thumb behind herself and they turned toward the back of the room to glare at the three policemen who were taking up the four chairs.

The main policeman stared back at them, beads of sweat running down his forehead as his two partners slept in their chairs. One of the sleeping cops was even laying across two chairs, while the other let his head dangle in the air.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Elizabeth asked.

"Maybe, let's find out," Demi smiled.

Elizabeth and Demi walked up to the sleeping cops and yanked the chairs out from under them. The two men fell to the floor, cursing and rubbing their heads as they sat back up. Demi and Elizabeth walked back to their spots and sat down in their new chairs. When offered the third chair, Christopher refused, so it was instead given to Ford.

In the other room, the interrogation began.

Darwin entered the interrogation room, and Karliah stepped into the viewing, freezing when she saw the Chimeras. Elizabeth and Christopher tossed a glance toward her but paid little mind. Demi, on the other hand, grew a wide smile and winked at the black-haired woman. Karliah shook her head and sighed, walking to the policemen and taking the last chair politely. She sat next to Demi.

"Got something to say?" Karliah raised an eyebrow.

"You're dating now?" Demi huffed, an excited, blushing smile plastered on her face.

"What? No, I mean, he asked me out, but it's nothing big. Just going to a nice restaurant later," Karliah seemed to drift away for a moment.

Demi leaned in, bouncing her eyebrows, "So I was right?" She turned her voice deep.

"Demi, it's just one date, this is the first time he's asked me, we don't know how this will go," Karliah pushed her back.

"Oh, I think I do."

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