C • 25 : Knife between Teeth, Razors between Toes

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He grabbed Christopher and spun, slinging his friend into the concrete below, the Angel screamed, its wires shot out at the people surrounding them. Vaelan summoned his blades, cut the wires away, and pressed down on Christopher. Anna grabbed tighter onto Vaelan as he screamed.

I didn't want to use this spell, it's more dangerous than Antithesis of Magic, but I have little choice.

"Anna, get down and away from here," he growled.

She jumped off and into the crowd while continuing her count. The people looked at her for a moment before turning their attention back to Christopher and Vaelan. Many ran, but most stayed and watched. It confused Vaelan, the fact that people were staying in such a dangerous area, but he shook his head and unfurled his wings.

He snarled, "Dark Arts, Dead Numb."

The magic covering Christopher's body, and that made up parts of Vaelan's body turned pale grey and broke apart. Vaelan stood up as cracks rippled through his body, bursting with blood. Christopher did his best to raise himself up, malice draining from his eyes, nose, and mouth. Vaelan stumbled back, his body had no magic currently running through it, and, luckily, neither did Christopher's body. However, the malice would keep him awake for as long as it went rampant. Anna ran up to Vaelan.

"Talv!" She grabbed onto Vaelan's only hand and stared at their friend with frightened eyes, "What happened?"

Decimii, give me a boost.

His body quickly healed, and his mana-made parts grew back. He stepped forward and loomed over Christopher. The cyborg gargled a growl, and Vaelan kicked his chin, rendering him unconscious.

Stay down, Chris.

He, Anna, and the people of the city all stood dreadfully still as they all trained their eyes on Christopher. Anxiety built within the crowd as he stepped forward and picked up the cyborg, positioning him in his second set of arms as his third set dispersed. When he looked into the crowd, he saw the young boy, Casimir, with his green-colored eyes, sitting in the arms of his mother. His mother looked sickened, yet Casimir looked ecstatic and happier than any human Vaelan had ever seen.

Vaelan looked at them for a moment with a blank face before reminding himself of all of his practice and forcing himself to make a massive smile. The child's face lit up immediately, and for a moment, his mother almost looked relieved before resuming her annoyed face. Anna ran up to Vaelan and climbed onto his back, sending a ripple of confusion through the crowd as they watched a girl with a fully grown body act as if she were a small child running to their parent after a disaster.

"You okay?" He whispered to Anna, grabbing her hand and supporting her legs, she nodded, he turned back to the boy, "Hey, Casimir, right? I want you and your mother to know, the rebellion will always fight for your safety, you know why?"

The boy shook his head.

Vaelan pushed himself and made a brighter smile, "Because heroes do exist!"

He shot into the air, Too bad not all heroes can see eye to eye.

He began racing towards Gwindolyn's office, silently cursing himself for being unable to stop the Fallen Angel without a bloody battle, and for being unable to protect Anna with his own power. He tightened his grip on Christopher and warned Anna before speeding up and crashing through one of the windows of the building that contained Gwindolyn's office, using his wings to shield Anna and Christopher from the glass.

"Gwindolyn!" He shouted, "It's me, Vaelan!" He pulled Anna into a tight hug, "I'm gonna leave you with someone I trust very much, she's gonna take care of you and Chris for a while, okay?"

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