C • 21 : Bite the Nerve, Scratch the Muscle

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Elizabeth stepped through a portal and reappeared above Agent Nine, swinging her leg downward and creating a dent in the roof of the car the Agent stood on, before pushing forward and slashing both of her blades at her opponent. Animus ran up the back of a nearby car and jumped, a mix of shadow and blood swirling around his arms, as he punched at the Agent. Both of their attacks either missed or were blocked.

"I don't want to fight you!" The Agent screamed, sidestepping another attack from Elizabeth.

"And I don't care, you're not getting anywhere near Anna!" She jumped through another portal and punched at the Agent as Animus shot a line of blood through the air that exploded into hundreds of black shards.

The Agent blurred and shot toward Elizabeth, appearing next to her and swinging his bladed tonfa at her. Elizabeth and the Agent turned into a hurricane of swinging blades as they stepped across a red SUV, the Agent blocked all of her attacks, and the attacks slung at him from behind by Animus.

"I'm not here for Anna," he grumbled, staring at her with vicious eyes, as their blades collided.

Animus rushed forward and was quickly punched down to the ground, spasming as electricity visibly surged out of his body. The energy dispersed and Animus shot to his feet, tendrils of shadow whipping around his body.

Animus snapped, "I won't fall for the same trick twice!"

Elizabeth stepped forward and swung her blades at the Agent, "Then just how many children do you have?"

The Agent turned into a blur again, three quick strikes pummeled her shoulders and even reached Animus. Animus fell back down, and Elizabeth tumbled to the concrete. She couldn't get up and, from the looks of it, Animus couldn't stand either. The Agent stopped and kneeled next to Elizabeth, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"More than enough," he paused, she couldn't see his face, but he suddenly felt much different, much more sad, "I didn't expect you to be this dense, Kimina."

Elizabeth balled her fists, Veil-magic shot through her veins, and she darted to the side.

He's trouble. Wait, what the hell did he mean by dense?

She ran to Animus and pulled him back, "Come on, get up!"

He shakily shook his head, and the Agent ran over to her kicking at her side. Elizabeth dodged, blocking his attacks as best she could when he followed her and continued punching. She needed a chance to think and breathe, he wouldn't let up, and at this rate, she would lose the fight. She gritted her teeth, and released a pulse of energy, the Agent jumped back and rushed back in. She jumped back and clambered onto the roof of a small blue car.

How the hell is he not tired?

Elizabeth stepped back and nearly lost her balance when she stepped onto the hood of the car. The Agent pushed forward and blurred. Elizabeth cursed and prepared to defend against another barrage of attacks. Then, the Agent was quickly tackled away by Animus, who scrambled over a car roof. Elizabeth couldn't help but groan in relief. She darted after them, taking a chocolate piece out of her pocket and stuffing it into her mouth. The flavor rushed into her mouth, and energy followed soon after. She jumped into the tussle and joined Animus in relentlessly attacking the Agent.

Alright, so his abilities so far consist of generating electricity- mainly in his hands and boosting his speed, but if he's an Agent, then he should have two more abilities.

The Agent grabbed Animus by the arm and threw him into Elizabeth, forcing the two to the ground, where Elizabeth struck the back of her head against the pavement.

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