C • 19 : Radiate the Vessel, Grow the Cancer

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The sound of wailing infants forced his eyes open. His back was placed against a white wood baby crib. He sat in a black and white minimalist bedroom. In front of him was a large bed with black and grey sheets, and on the other side of it sat a dark wood bedside table and another baby crib. To his right stood a beautiful fine wood armoire, and in front of the bed was a dresser with a large mirror above it.

"Yeesh," he whispered, "I forgot about Dad's horrible taste."

He looked into the crib behind him. In it sat a young and beautiful girl, though she was still crying. He reached his robotic hand and let the infant grab onto his middle finger.

"Hey, Madelyn," he smiled as the baby stopped crying.

The bedroom door opened and a man walked toward the still crying baby at the other side of the room. His hair was short and his eyes were dark with heavy bags under them.

"Hey Chris," his father said, picking up the small crying baby and gently rocking it, "Bad dream, or are you just hungry?"

His father turned and walked toward Madelyn, yawning as Christopher softly plucked his finger away from the tot. Christopher sat on the floor, leaning against the armoire and watching as he tended to the two babies. It was then that Christopher noticed his father's wire belt wrapped tightly around his waist and hips.

I remember that one, originally made to help catch and balance its wearer. Now it serves that exact purpose, as well as mobility gear that's been implanted into my legs.

He knocked his metal knuckles against his legs, listening to the hard clicks that sounded off through his clothing. He looked at his father, a genius engineer, and inventor, he had even helped out during the Magic Crisis of 2020, but now he was most likely dead or being forced to work for the Order. He stood up, and for a moment, he could've sworn that they had seen him truly seen him-not just some creation of his mind like the rest of this dream.

He reached to brush his younger self's hair out of his eyes, when he did electricity sparked up his arms and through his wires. Suddenly, the child seemed to be fully conscious of Christopher's existence, he looked through him. He could see him, yet he didn't cry, he only stared.

When Christopher decided that he'd had enough, he moved to the door and slowly opened it.

It's only a dream, nothing more.

He walked through and found himself outside, years later. It was raining, a young Christopher with short brown hair and cyan eyes played and pranced through the water and mud. Playing with him was his sister, Madelyn, who as far as girls went in his opinion was rather normal and plain. She wasn't short, nor was she tall. Opposed to Christopher and their mother, she had rich, coffee-colored eyes instead of the bright cyan hue. The two both wore yellow raincoats and had their own umbrellas, Christopher's red, and Madelyn's blue.

The two children played, occasionally falling, while their parents sat under the overhead to the driveway. His father, Tom, and mother, Mai'Ethla, were talking about the Order as per usual. Around this time in their lives, the Order was rising to power, yet it hadn't had its takeover yet, so far it was just a large political company that made extravagant movements in the Anth and Humanth communities.

He studied his father, he always looked so tired and overworked. Apparently, he once used magic, but according to modern research, the sudden loss of his magic was the reason behind his perpetual exhausted state. His mother appeared as bright and lively as ever, her bright eyes trained on her children as she spoke.

I remember this day, it was the day I and Madelyn learned our first spells.

A sudden light came from where the two children played, the children laughed as electricity sparked off their bodies. They zapped each other and the raindrops that splashed off their hands and exposed faces. Tom was immediately surprised, but their mother ran to them, ready to sweep them both into a massive hug. She swept them up, and the two siblings turned into a full circuit as their mother's body resisted the energy.

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