(𝟣𝟣) 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎

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wooyoung quickly snapped his head in the direction of the voice with wide eyes, watching as three boys dressed in what he could only describe as rough and dirty, rugged clothing emerged from the forest and rushed towards the pirate ship with various weapons drawn. right after, the familiar orb of light that he's come to know as shiber followed the strange trio, barking loudly as they ran.

san's distressed face immediately shifted into a relieved smile, showing off his perfect teeth. he turned towards the other boy, his smile somehow getting even bigger. "yes! the lost boys are here!"

the pirates began to yell loudly, panic becoming the sole emotion on the ship.

the dark-haired boy watched as the three boys jumped onto the ship, each letting out their own battle cries to create some strangely beautiful dissonant chord. one boy immediately went straight to san, sheathing his stone sword and observing his wound with worried eyes. "peter. are you okay?"

san chuckled lightly, wincing a bit as he got reminded of his wound. "yeah. i just got, er, stabbed. no biggie. thank you, yunho."

wooyoung could only watch as the boy in front of him tried to help san. yunho, he assumed the boy's name was, was rather tall and lanky. he had darker brown hair, that was almost the same color as his dark eyes. his torso was covered by what seemed to be a wolf skin, connected to a wolf skull that was placed on his head that exuded nothing but intimidation and fear. his bottom half was covered by some very rugged dark-colored pants, a leather sheath holding his large stone sword attached to his hip.

yunho glanced over at wooyoung, pointing a rude thumb towards him. "do you know that guy? he doesn't look scary enough to be a pirate."

the dark-haired boy raised an eyebrow, debating in his mind whether or not he should take offense from that blunt statement. "um-"

san gave the brown-haired lost boy a short nod. "yeah, that's wooyoung. he's a friend."

"can he wield a sword?"

without waiting for an answer, yunho unsheathed his sword and handed it to wooyoung in a very casual manner. "here. defend us while we escape. or maybe try to defend yourself because you look more defenseless than a baby bird."

wooyoung hesitantly took the sword and stood up shakily. "huh? i d-don't think i'm qualified for thi-"

yunho impertinently turned away, suddenly lifting up the pink-haired boy in a princess carry. san gasped, hitting yunho lightly on the shoulder. "hey! put me down!"

the brown-haired lost boy shook his head, beginning to walk towards the edge of the ship. "nope. you're disabled."

wooyoung stared at the sword in his hands, unsure if he really should be holding such a large weapon. though it was made of stone, the blade was actually quite sharp, and it intimidated him to no end. how was he supposed to use this without hurting himself?

suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a rather stocky pirate begin to rush towards him, his own metal cutlass outstretched towards wooyoung.

the dark-haired boy was frozen in fear as he stared with eyes as wide as saucers at the approaching enemy. he didn't know what to do.

as the pirate approached, his sword glinted in the sunlight, that spark somehow becoming the jumpstart to wooyoung's heart as his instincts kicked in.

the dark-haired boy swung the stone sword with as much force as he could, squeezing his eyes shut. he felt the sword collide with something, but he was so sure that within seconds his own body was going to collide with a sword himself.

he waited.

and waited.

but nothing happened.

wooyoung slowly opened his eyes and let out a small gasp as he looked up, seeing absolutely nothing. where did the pirate go?

then he looked down.

the pirate that was about to be his killer was writhing on the floor in the plain, his sword arm cut clean off.

did he just do that?

wooyoung was about to take a closer look at the fallen pirate when suddenly,


the dark-haired boy swiftly abided by the command from an unknown voice. two arrows whizzed over his head, hitting two pirates that were approaching him that he didn't even notice were there.

"whew! that was a close one. are you okay?"

wooyoung looked up to see one of the other lost boys approach him quickly. "yeah. i think so-"

the boy smiled brightly. "sweet! peter just told me that you're a new friend and to make sure that you follow us to our hideout. i'm jongho by the way. and you are...?"

jongho was noticeably shorter compared to yunho, but his physique made it up with his broad shoulders and muscular arms. his torso was clothed with nothing but a ragged vest that had a hood lined with some brown animal fur. a dark-colored quiver of arrows was fastened tightly to his back, almost being the same shade of black as his hair. he was also wearing some shorts that were obviously made from some kind of pelt, its texture looking quite unnaturally soft. he held a large bow in his hands quite confidently, clearly showcasing the fact that he's had much practice with the weapon.

the dark-haired boy shifted the stone sword in his hands. "wooyoung."

jongho nodded, grinning as he very casually shot an arrow straight into the eye of another approaching pirate. "oh, cool! come on, we should get off of this ship before we overstay our welcome. i don't think the pirates enjoy our company."

wooyoung gaped as he stared at the pirate that jongho just shot, his eyes wide in absolute shock.

jongho chuckled, wrapping a beefy arm around wooyoung's shoulders so that he could walk them both off of the ship. "what? he didn't look like much of a pirate anyway so now he can finally look like one since he'll need an eyepatch. i'm doing him a favor."

wooyoung almost choked at jongho's weird quip as the pair walked towards the edge of the boat near the island. the lost boy spoke up again, his voice still as energetic as before. "i'm sure you've met boring, serious, party-pooping yunho because, er, he loaned you his sword for some reason. he never does that, so you must be special, i dunno. but the other one of us, you know the hot guy over there with the spear?"

the dark-haired boy looked over in the direction that jongho was staring in, seeing the last third of the lost boys aggressively skewering a bunch of pirates on a long spear. "uh, yeah."

jongho giggled. "that's yeosang. he's obsessed with violence."

wooyoung was a bit taken aback from that comment, but he could tell that that fact was absolute truth from the way that that lost boy was belligerently dealing with those miserable pirate victims. yeosang's appearance reflected his personality quite well. he donned a ragged short-sleeved pantsuit that was made of some sort of pelt, and it was littered in holes big and small. one of the pant legs was even cut super short just above the knee. vines were wrapped around his torso and his head and he seemingly wore them as accessories along with a necklace with some sort of animal tooth on it. he had a huge spear, but it was currently inside of the chests of multiple pirates.

the dark-haired boy blinked. "oh."

jongho yelled suddenly, the pair stopping at the edge of the boat. wooyoung noticed that yunho and san were already off of the boat. "yeosang! get over here, we're leaving!"

the third lost boy looked over at jongho, smirked, and swiftly removed his spear from the pirates, leaving them as food for the seagulls. he ran over to them, jumping off of the edge of the boat and to the sand with absolutely no hesitation.

jongho chuckled and turned to wooyoung.

"come on! you can come see our hideout, it's really cool!"

a/n the lost boys and their team dynamic are literally probably my favorite characters ive written to date i love them so much 🥺


𝓅𝑒𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓈𝒶𝓃, 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝒸𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝑒 - woosan/(woohwa)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora