(𝟤𝟣) 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓁𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝒷𝑜𝓎𝓈 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓂𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒻𝓇𝑒𝑒

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so after wiping off the last tears from his cheeks, he gripped the hat and put it on his head, the crown that he once knew to be his king's feeling heavy, yet familiar on his head.


"wait a minute, so wooyoung killed the captain? geez okay, peter you can leave now, wooyoung could be our new leader-"

san shot a playful glare at jongho, who immediately stopped talking.

the group of boys and one dog spirit were now currently back at the lost boys hideout, having a little celebration after their encounter that day.

wooyoung let out a nervous chuckle. "um, yeah... though, i don't know if i could ever do that again. i just wanted to protect san."

jongho smirked before making an exaggerated sniffing noise. "hey, do you smell that? it smells like love-"

yunho, who was sitting right next to him, gave jongho a small slap on the shoulder before turning towards wooyoung. "you know, wooyoung, i... i had some doubts about you at first, but now i have complete respect for you. you're... something else."

yeosang, who was very casually wiping blood off of his spear chuckled. "he can be an honorary lost boy."

jongho nodded, a big grin on his face. "yes! wooyoung, you're now an honorary lost boy. how does it feel?"

wooyoung let out a short laugh. "oh, um, wow. i'm... honored."

the pink-haired boy giggled. "as you should-"

"now that that's done," jongho interrupted as he stood up quickly, "i'm hungry. we haven't eaten all day, remember? after the stupid pirates interrupted our plans, we never touched a crumb of food. let's go actually catch some fish this time."

and at that jongho left the hideout, fully expecting the others to follow.

yunho stood up right after jongho left, letting out a large sigh. "ugh, okay, let's go get food. let's not forget the nets this time, okay?"


it was now late at night, and wooyoung found himself outside under the stars again with san.

the two boys were now sitting in a comfortable silence, not having made much conversation since they greeted each other outside of the hideout.

the dark-haired boy stared at the night sky. "i don't think i'll ever get over how beautiful neverland is at night."

san nodded, grinning. "i know, right? i've been here for years, yet i still admire its beauty every day."

wooyoung let out a sigh. "i wish i could see this every single day. it'd be amazing if earth had views like this too."

the pink-haired boy glanced at the other boy, beginning to nervously fidget with his fingers. "...are you... are you planning on returning back home?"

wooyoung looked over to san, noticing that he was refusing to make eye contact. "huh?"

after a few seconds of silence, san finally looked up, tentatively locking eyes with the dark-haired boy. "i was just wondering... if you wanted to stay with me here in neverland. i know i can't force you and... you had a life before all of this that i practically took you away from, but... i just wanted to know if maybe you'll possibly want to stay here."

wooyoung was a bit taken aback from this, his eyes widening as his mind began to race. "oh?"

san sighed. "it's okay if you want to leave, it's completely your choice and... not mine at all."

the dark-haired boy didn't know what to think.

staying here in neverland felt like a dream. it was a beautiful place that was far away from everything, in which he could definitely escape from all of his doubts and issues that were back in his life from earth. he also loved neverland more specifically because of san. san introduced him to here, and also helped him through some of his own issues.

if he left neverland, he'd also leave an experience that he'd never forget.

but he still had a life on earth. even though everything was a bit shaky and uncertain, there were still things he wanted to do in his life that he'll never get the opportunity to do if he left. he'd also be leaving all of his friends and family and everything that was just so familiar to him.

this was going to be a difficult decision.

wooyoung spoke nervously. "i don't know. there are so many things about both that make them so unique and i... i just don't know what to pick."

san gave him a soft smile. "it's okay, woo. i'll be there for you, either way, no matter what you pick, and... i promise that you'll never be lonely."

wooyoung didn't respond, not out of rudeness, but out of thought. this was something he felt like if he kept putting off, he'd never choose.

so after pondering for a while longer, wooyoung grabbed san's hand and spoke softly, a sure decision leaving his lips.

"i think i want to..."

a/n well the main story is over now :( i hope you all enjoyed it so far! there are two epilogues left, each of them being dependent on whether or not wooyoung decides to stay in neverland ;) have a good day everyone!


𝓅𝑒𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓈𝒶𝓃, 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝒸𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝑒 - woosan/(woohwa)Where stories live. Discover now