The Dare

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Mia's POV
I quickly washed my dirty cloths after we helped Annabel pack her gifts back. I waited for my cloths to dry so I could fold them and get packed. Infact get ready to leave school on Monday.

I'm so excited I will be going back to the orphanage home to see my lovely family once more. Mercy, Twinkle, Sandra and so on. I really miss them.

Even though am very excited to go back home, I still miss my classmates. Most especially my bestie Annabel, my roomie, my buddies, the teachers, the principal and infact the school building. I will miss going to the library, watching Annabel's game, teaching the choreography for any event, I'll miss my bed, the cafeteria and many more.

But you know I got to go. People don't stay one place forever, they've got to move. And so, I have taken a step to find my future and make it happen

First thing Monday morning i will be boarding a bus to Bauchi where I live. That will be a long two days journey.

In the evening all my classmates had finished packing their luggages and we're set for Monday. We just sat and started discussing, the boys even joined us. Then Charlotte suggested we play a game, last game of the session.

"Which game?" I asked curiously.
"Hmmm i think truth or dare" Charlotte responded.
" Am not interested, am not playing" I said.
" Me too" Peace responded.
" Come on Mia, don't be like that. Will you please play? At least it's the last one" Annabel tried to persuade me.
" It's not about that, what are the rules and the one penalty?" I asked.

" Well... you'll pay #300 if you can't do the dare" Charlotte said.
" Please let's change the penalty. I know Mia, she will give you guys all her money just to avoid the dare" Annabel said knowing me well.
" Okay. The penalty will be toilet washing" Jace suggested.
After everyone agreed to play the he, we started. We sat in circles and Charlotte spined the bottle. She asked Annabel if she had ever played a prank on any teacher ever before and she said yes.

Annabel spined the bottle and it was Stephanie's turn. Annabel asked her to peck Kelvin and she did. It went well cause I continued to pick truth until it expired and I had to pick dare this time. Jace dared me to either deep kiss kelvin, lap dance him or remove 20 things from my body.

Can you imagine? How do you expect me to remove 20 things from my body? Or kiss Kelvin. Eww! But come to think of it, lap dance is okay because it's just like allowing him to lap me as I just have to dance while sitting on his laps. So I agreed to that but it was awkward.

I dancer on his laps for about two minutes after which I decided not to play again. I guess Kelvin enjoyed it since he is not that holy as he seems.

After playing the game, the boys returned to their hostel. Our dinner arrived and we ate. We slept early, I was so tired that I didn't even wait for the prayers. I slept around six because of what happened earlier. I felt embarrassed, that was my first time.

Kelvin's POV
What just happened? I mean did Mia just lap dance me. Oh God! I have waited for this day for a very long time. Finally it came but I felt guilty cause it was a dare and she didn't do it willingly.
We got to our hostel and the scene kept repeating itself in my head. That was the first time Mia was playing that game.

On Sunday morning, we all went to church. The service was so interesting, we danced and gave offering. It felt like the last worship but yes, it is the last worship with my classmates.

In church Mia ignored me. Was it because of what happened yesterday? I think so. I also felt bad. I couldn't face her to talk about what happened. So I reached out to Annabel so she could help me talk to Mia. It's just a day left for us to leave school and I can't just leave not speaking to her.

In the evening, instead of hanging out with my friends , I didn't. Why? I was so scared to face Mia. Jace went out to spend time with Charlotte.

As I stared at the ceiling lying ony bed. I saw Mia and Annabel walk in. I was scared stiff, I stood up not knowing what to say.
" Mi......Mi...... Mia, please have a seat" I stammered.
" What do you want" I asked desperately.

"Really! What do we want? Should we leave? I thought you wanted to talk to her" Annabel said.
" Fine! Please don't leave, I'll talk to her. Privacy Anny" I requested.
" Okay. I saw Henry outside, I'll go talk to him" Annabel said and left.

"How you doing Mia? I am so sorry about what happened yesterday" I started.
" Am fine. You shouldn't be, it's not your fault, it's Jace's. He shouldn't have" she said.
" Thanks but I noticed you've been avoiding me"
" Yes, I didn't know how to face you after what happened"

" Okay, we're cool now right?"
" Yes" she said and hugged me.
Then we went out to see Annabel and Henry but we didn't see them any where near. As we walked further we saw them having ice cream date and playing at the field.

" They really look cute together you know" Mia said.
" Yes, they do but you know Annabel won't give in to that" I said.
" Yeah, she acts tough" Mia said.
" Hey Annabel", I called out as we walked towards them. She stopped playing as soon as she saw us.

" Excuse me", I heard her say to Henry and came to us.
" Have u guys finally settled what was eating you up" Annabel asked.
" Yes we did. I see you are getting along with Henry" Mia said.
" He just offered to buy me ice cream and we are playing" Annabel said.

" Okay. Am going to the hostel, I want to check my bags again" Mia said.
" I think I should do same" I said.
" Wait I'll come with you" Annabel said to Mia.
" Okay am waiting. Bye Kelvin".

Annabel's POV
I went to him and told him goodbye then I followed Mia to the room. When we got there, everyone was asleep except Zoey. She is playing game on Mia's phone, Mia left it with her before going to see Kelvin.

I wonder what they talked about. I just pray Kelvin confesses his feelings to her. But no, I know he won't. I'll ask her about it later.

After checking if everything was in order, our food arrived. We ate yam and egg. While eating I asked Mia about her conversation.
" What did you and Kelvin talk about?"
" Nothing. We just apologized to each other"
" Okay"
" Annabel I will like you to take the television to your house, I'll come back to Lagos in two weeks"

" Why? You should take it with you to Bauchi"
" I have my reasons babe"
" What are your reasons miss?" I asked her.
" I'll tell you. You know they charge a lot for load. I will be carrying my luggage and other stuff. By the way, I'll go with the laptop am gonna use".

" Okay, I'll carry it. Lest I forget, I called mom. She said a cab will be coming to pick me, she will be busy at the office, so she can't come".
" Okay, that's fine".

After eating, we retired to bed and waited for the next morning. It was the sound of the bell for breakfast that woke me.
I think am getting use to not going to school again. Even Mia slept off, she didn't wake up early as usual. I had to wake her up cause the principal will be calling us anytime soon.


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