The Judgement

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Mia's P.O.V
But to our utmost surprise,Mitchell wasn't there, the costumes were dirty and wasn't prepared. I felt like fainting, Annabel started asking the students were their precious head girl was but they had no idea.

The teachers and students waited patiently thinking it was another one of our magic. Then the principal asked Mrs Andrews to check what was going on. While they were waiting the school band were giving them some vibes.

The teacher returned to the principal telling him the dance has been cancelled and that they should move to the next agenda. The principal was so angry that he wanted to cancel the rest of the event.

"I think we should use the football game as the last program before we close", Mrs Abel advised and went to announce it to the students.

The principal immediately came to me and started throwing blames at me. He accused me of being to fool of myself, not wanting to hear my own part of the story. I ran back to my hostel crying and Annabel ran after me leaving the football natch she was supposed to play.

Annabel's P.O.V

The day ended badly,at 7pm all the students had returned to their hostel. Mia kept on crying and crying,suddenly I noticed I couldn't find my locket which I kept on my bed before going to the hall.

I went around asking my roommates but they had no idea. I even went as far as asking other rooms in my hostel but they all confessed they had no idea. I was so worried and angry,that locket was like my lucky charm,a symbol of my friendship.

I wanted to report the situation to our house mistress but since it was already too late I waited for the next morning. We all prayed and went to bed except Mia who had fallen asleep while crying and wasn't aware of the missing locket.

The next morning, we all and went to church since it was a Sunday. Before leaving for church, I told Miss Maria our house mistress about my lost item. She assured me that after the church service there will be a search for it.

At church, Mia wasn't herself, she was emotionally traumatised. She has never felt like this before. After the church service, I , Mia and Charlotte walked back to our hostel together.

On our way back,a junior stopped us and told Mia the principal has asked  to see her in his office.
"What does he want this time"?, I asked looking at Mia who didn't have answers to my question.
" I will go check what he wants", she said moving in opposite direction to the principal's office.

Charlotte and I kept on chatting till we got to our hostel. After dropping my bag, I didn't wait any more seconds to remind Miss Maria of the search.

The search began few minutes after Miss Maria was sure everyone had returned to their rooms. She searched the students, thereafter she asked everyone  to go out while we checked their bags. Miss Maria searched my room while she assigned me to another room and Charlotte another.

Mia's P.O.V

At the principal's office, he asked me to sit while he asked me few questions.
"Why was the performance sabotaged Miss Albert?", he asked looking at my face.

" Sir it wasn't my fault", I said almost crying.
"Whose fault was it then", I raised my head looking at him.
" Mitchell! Sir it was Mitchell. She promised to teach the students the dance but I don't know what went wrong.
"And what was your duty as the drama club president, not even the president but as the dance instructor". The principal said angrily.

" Sir while I was teaching the dance, Mitchell said I was doing the dance wrongly and she took it upon herself to teach the dance. I backed off because I didn't want a fight, I dont know what went wrong after that sir".

OK that's fine. Call me Mitchell, you may go. He said dismissing me. On my way back to the hostel I found Mitchell at the court, I went to her and told her the principal has asked to see her. I went to straight to my hostel and Annabel who was tired after the search sitting on her bed. I told her about my meeting with the principal and asked her about the locket.

"After the search,the locket still wasn't found. Miss Maria threatened to  report the case to the principal", Annabel said.
I told Annabel I was off to the library to clear my head and revise for the exams. My first paper was on Tuesday afternoon, literature-in-english. She told me she will meet me thee later.

I got to the library and it was so quiet. No one was there except for Kelvin. I was angry at him for not checking up on me after the performance yesterday. I hissed after seeing him and went straight to a seat and placed my book on the table. I started reading when Kelvin noticed my presence and and came to me.

" Mia what's wrong?",he asked. I looked away pretending not to bear him. He pulled my arm and asked again.

"Mia what's wrong?".

" I want to be left alone", I said pulling my hand away from Kelvin's.
"I won't leave,what's wrong".
" I came here for some peace and quiet and  to clear my head". I said standing up to leave. Kelvin stood up, held my hand and took me to the window side.
"Talk to me okay", I looked at him forcing back the tears which already had it way to my eyes.
" Okay, you didn't care to see me after the what happened yesterday. You also felt I was a failure right? ".
" No! that's not it. After we returned to our hostels it was already late. I couldn't leave the hostel".
"How about today?", I asked.
" I did look for you. After the service I came outside looking for you but I didn't see you. I went to you hostel and I met everyone outside. I asked Zoey what was going on. She told me Annabel was looking for her locket, So I went to Annabel and she told me you went for a meeting with the principal. That was when I came here".

"Okay, that's fine". I said and hugged him.

          *   *   *   *   *    *     *   *   *
At the principal's office, after Mitchell came in, he started interrogating her.

" Miss Marshall what is this I hear about the dance,and where were you during the event?,explain yourself ",the principal said.

" Sir I taught the students the dance and they got it right "
"So what went wrong? Where you suppose to teach them in the first place?".

" Sir what went wrong was the costumes ".
" What was wrong with it"?
"It was dirty sir".
" So? Why didn't you wash them"

"Me? eww! I can't do that. What are the cleaners for?.
" Oooooh! I see, why don't you give the cleaners your undies to wash them for you?"
"I can't wash them".

" Hmmmm, where were you during the event"?
"I was down with headache so I decided to rest".
"As the head girl, you weren't present at the event meant for you and your classmate...... You know what? Go call me Mia, you two should come here together.
" Okay Sir",she said and left.

She went straight to Mia's hostel but didn't see her. She asked Annabel and she told her to go to the library. At the library, I and kelvin chatted, laughed and had fun until Mitchell interrupted telling me the principal called me.

"Again!!! What does he want "?, I asked.
"Go find out, I will be in your hostel waiting for you, Kelvin said taking his book and mine while Mitchell and I went to see the principal.

" I called you both to give my judgement", the principal said at our arrival.
"Mitchell, you are given detention alongside toilet washing for the next two days until your first paper on Wednesday, Economics". Mitchell isn't offering literature, so her first paper is on Wednesday.

" And as for Mia,the principal continued, you are to assign a new president for the club on Monday since you will be starting your exams. Also, assignment of new prefects will be done on Monday. Mitchell you are to wash the boys toilet, you can go",he concluded.

"What!!boys toilet", Mitchell started crying on our way out as I laughed happily.

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