The Kidnap

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Mia's P. O. V
"What about the locket"? You promised Saturday o, Annabel reminded me.
"Don't worry, on our way there we will meet with the guy", I assured her

"Kelvin you coming with us right"? Annabel asked.
"Sure! Why not? Am going with you guys", Kelvin replied.

After the day's work, all the students had returned to their hostels. Annabel slept immediately she had freshened up. I sat on my bed reading a novel titled 'The Home Maker', when Kelvin came to my room and offered to take me out.

"Where are we going to Kelvin"? Stop dragging me, I want to take my bag.
"Okay, Kelvin stopped and I went to carry my bag.
"I will tell you where we are going to but first come with me".

"Wait! Wait! Will you please end the suspense and just tell me where you are taking me to", I asked feeling like Kelvin was going to kidnap me.
Okay! Fine. We are going to my hostel, Kelvin said.
"To do what? What's going on there? I asked.
"Don't spoil the fun Mia, am not kidnapping you, let's get to my hostel first then you will find out".

They got to the hostel and to my greatest surprise there wasn't anything special about Kelvin's room except that it was empty, no one was inside. Then I noticed a phone, a Mp3 player and my guitar on Kelvin's bed.

I was overwhelmed with joy at the sight of my guitar.
"What is my guitar doing here and how did it get here"? I started touching my guitar.
"Well..... I asked Jace to make sure the guitar gets here without your notice. So he asked his babe to bring it here. But I wonder how Charlotte would have brought it without you knowing".

I sighed. "I don't even know what to say but wait, what if I started looking for it", I asked.
"That was why I hurried to bring you here before you could find out", Elvin said.
"So? Why did you bring me and my guitar here in the first place", I asked wondering why he brought me here.

"Isn't it obvious"? He said touring over the room.
"No it's not".
"Gosh!! You are a nerd", Kelvin said hitting his head.
"Am not a nerd, am into music my friend", I said standing up.

"That's it, your competition is on Saturday and you haven't had time to practise.
"So I brought you here to rehearse, you book worm", Kelvin said.
"Okay let's get to it". I placed my guitar on my legs.

I rehearsed and rehearsed and it felt like I had won the competition already. Soon Jace joined us and it seems the boys had started returning to their hostel.

Then I told kelvin I would like to return to the room now. On our way we found Charlotte from wherever she was coming from.
" Hey girl", I called out as she approached us.

"How are you? I see you've gotten your guitar back", Charlotte said.
"Sure.... Your plan didn't work", I teased.
"Don't mind me it was Jace", Charlotte said as we walked back to the hostel.

"Okay, hope dinner is ready cause am very hungry", I said
"Yeah, Zoey got them for us", Charlotte said.
"Is Annabel awake? She was sleeping when Kelvin Kidnapped me", I asked.
"I didn't kidnap you", Kelvin said after awhile of listening to our conversation.

We got to the hostel and Kelvin returned to his hostel.
"Why didn't peace get the food herself? Why did she send Zoey"? I asked as we walked through the corridor.
"Peace is down with stomach pain, so that was why she sent her sister", Charlotte concluded.

Annabel's P. O. V

I woke up around 5pm and didn't see Mia except for her book lying on her bed. I asked round and they told me she went out. So I decided to rest, I took Charlotte's phone and started playing my favourite game, Magic tiles.

Few minutes later, Peace started complaining of stomach pain. I called the nurse and she examined her and gave her some drugs. Zoey went to get our dinner and I started to dish the food.

Mia and Charlotte entered the room and found Peace laying on her bed, while I was serving the food.
"Annabel why are you the one serving the food"? Mia asked.
"Peace is very sick, so I decided to help her out" I kept on serving the food.
"Okay, hope you have kept my food because am damn hungry", Mia asked as she walked towards Peace's bed to check up on her.
"Yes I already did", I responded.

"Peace how are you? What's wrong? Mia asked as she felt Peace's temperature. Have you guys called the nurse? Peace is burning up here", Mia asked.
"Yes we did and she gave her some drug", Zoey replied

"Take care okay, and get well soon ", Mia said and stood up as Peace nodded her head. Mia went to her bed and waited for me to finish serving the food so we can eat together as usual.

After I finished serving the food, I took my food to Mia's bed, sat down and started chatting while we were eating.
"Where were you? When I woke up I didn't see you", I said putting a spoonful of yummy jollof rice into my mouth.
"Well, Kelvin took me to his hostel, Mia said without even completing her statement I interrupted.

"To do what? Did he propose to you"? I asked excitedly as Mia started blushing.
"Gosh it hasn't gotten to that, besides why will he propose"? Mia said.
"Why can't he"? I asked.
"Why will he? At this age want to propose to me, someone who hasn't achieved anything in life. Please let's leave that one", She said feeling irritated about the discussion.

"So why did he call you then"? I asked as I continued eating.
"Well, surprisingly he called me so I could rehearse for Saturday's program".
"Wow! That's so thoughtful of him".
"I guess so", Mia said.

We finished eating and kept the plates in the basket full of dirty plates which Stephanie is going to return to the kitchen after everyone was done eating.
"So how was the rehearsal", I asked when we both retired to bed.
"It was great, I had fun today thanks to Kelvin", Mia said.

"Okay let's sleep so we can wake up early for the exams tomorrow", I said feeling sleepy.
"Look at who is talking about sleep, didn't you sleep this afternoon? I should be the one stressing out", Mia said yawning and dressing her bed.

"Fine but wake me up when you want to revise early in the morning", I requested.
"Sure but am nor sure I will wake up early. If you do, you can wake me", Mia said.
"Okay that's fine. Whoever wakes up first wakes the other person", I concluded.

After Mia was done arranging her bed, she called everyone for the prayers before they go to bed. Usually it was peace who always call everyone for the prayers but now she is sick so Mia had to.

A/N Hello again, so I'd love to start hearing your thought and ideas on the story. What do you think about the characters, how do you feel reactions, behaviour. I'd love to hear all your conspiracy theories, so don't forget to leave a comment.
Love you, xoxo.

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