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It was 8pm and everyone had returned to their various hostels. Mia's room was painted blue and it has four bunk beds. Mia was lying at the top of the bed,Annabel occupied another top and some other juniors occupied the down. The other two bunk beds at the right of the room was left for peace, her younger sister Zoey,Charlotte and Stephanie. Mia,Annabel,peace,Charlotte and Stephanie are in the same class,the final year students. They had all gone to bed when they heard Mia scream so loud. Everyone stood up and Stephanie put up the light. Annabel went to Mia and asked her what the problem was. She said she saw her parents in her dream. Annabel felt so sad and worried. She knew all Mia has been through. It has really been tough for her.
Mia's parent died when she was seven. They were on their way back from church one Sunday afternoon when they had an accident.Mia's parent died but she survived, she started living in an orphanage home with other motherless and fatherless children. Mia is so prayerful and ambitious. Mia's dream is to become a musician and a guitarist,she loves music a lot. After her primary school, she participated in a music competition where she played her guitar and sang her favourite song. Fortunately she won and got a scholarship to further her education at Diamond College.
Annabel comforted her and told everyone else to go to bed. She slept beside Mia till the next morning.

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