The Great Day

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On Saturday morning,the great day,after the student had had their breakfast, Mia decided to do her laundry that morning before the last rehearsal for the event. While Mia was washing her clothes Mitchell went to her.

"My darling Mia,how are you doing?", Mitchell asked.
"How can I help you madam?" Mia asked.
"Aaaaa,are we not friends?don't talk like that", she replied.
" I don't think so just leave",Mia said angrily.
"Okay I will leave,see ya at the rehearsals", mean Mitchell said and left.

While Mia was washing, Annabel and Charlotte were at the field playing sport. They were preparing for their match that day. After Mia was done washing,she went for practise with her drama club participants. After the final rehearsals for the song,Mia went on to see Mitchell and her dancers. When Mia got there she found the students struggling to dance while Mitchell sat on the desk at the corner of the class chewing gum and pressing her phone. For all Mia knew,the science students were the smartest ones but right now Mitchell is the exact opposite. Mia thought of teaching the dance but it was already too late so she left to get ready for the event.

After assigning the debate to kelvin and her younger sister Zoey,Peace and some other teachers started decorating the hall for the event. In less than one hour while the others were rehearsing they had finished setting up.

Mia went to her hostel,freshened up and sat on her bed playing her guitar. Then few minutes later Annabel and Charlotte entered the room and she asked them to go freshen up so they can all go to the hall together.

Mia wore a pink sleeveless gown with a denim jacket. She doesn't like fashion unlike Annabel so she wore her blue flip flop,a panama and her bum bag around her waist. She didn't put on any jewelry except the locket with a picture of her and her beat friend Annabel.

Annabel came out looking like a fashionista but in the sport way. She wore a cargo pant,a hoody and her trainers. She also carried a bum bag as Mia but she didn't wear her locket because she will be playing a match and won't want to cut or misplace it so she removed it and kept it on her bed. Peace was the last person to leave the room because she was the last to get ready for the event.

Everyone got to the hall before 2pm and the arena was perfect. The hall was decorated with colour blue and red. Right opposite the entrance was the podium, at the right of the podium was chairs meant for the teachers. The school band was at the left of the podium. Students were arranged according to their club,drama club followed by the debate students,the jet club and lastly followed by the sport students.

The principal stepped on the podium to cordially welcome the students to the event. He read out the order of program of program to the students to make them prepared for when they were going to present. While the principal was talking Annabel walked up to Mia to wish her luck and encouraged her. They embraced each other and she went back to her seat.

The opening prayer was done by Mrs Abel their economics teacher. After which was followed by the national anthem and school anthem. As it is been done every year,a jss3 student from the debate club stepped in the rostrum reciting a poem. She started by greeting the teachers and students before reciting her poem connected to the theme of the event.

"Teach me to cope with life's strife
And to be the best,father help me to strive
The future is great and full of thorns
To keep safe please blow the horns
You were once liked me,this fool called me.
Who but you could in wisdom lead me?
Book is the stream
The stream to a dream
The dream for a swim
In the stream of plenty
Book is a watershed
Nations are changed and bathed
In its steep stream of plenty
So paddle
You discreet fool
In its nourishing fluid
Drink and don't be stupid".

The girl finally said and went back to her seat. While she was talking,the principal signalled to the students telling them the first music was up. This particular music will be done by Mia and two other students. A chair was placed on the rostrum. After the girl finished reciting the poem,the students applauded her. The principal called for the first music show and went to his seat.

A/N Hello my lovely readers,sorry this chapter is a bit late,sorry for the delay...
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