Victory Dance

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Kelvin's P. O. V

We took pictures and I was so happy. After 30 minutes of celebrating at the event, my phone rang. It was Jace.

"Hello", I responded after picking the call.
"What's going on over there? When are you guys coming back"? Charlotte asked. The phone was on loud speaker so Charlotte could hear and respond.

"Well.... Everything is great, in fact Mia won and we are on our way back. So get everything ready we are throwing a party".

"Whao", Charlotte screamed. "We will get everything ready, just get here on time", Jace said and cut the call.

"Who was that"? Annabel asked as she and Mia packed the goodies.
"It was Jace, he asked what was going on here and when we were coming back", I said.

"So? What did you tell him"? Mia asked.
"I told him everything".
"What! Annabel screamed. Why did you tell them? We wanted to surprise them".

"Really! You guys didn't tell me anything about it".
"Whatever, the deed has been done. Let's start going". Mia concluded.

I carried the television, Annabel carried the laptop and Mia's bag while Mia carried her guitar. We boarded a bus and got to school before 3pm. We showed the gateman our passes and entered the school.

Mia's P. O. V

As soon as we entered the school students started applauding and congratulating me on my success. I felt happy and so excited. As we got to the hostel, we found almost all my classmate in the room. Some were holding glitters, others balloons and so on.

As soon as we entered, the students started singing for me.
"Congratulations and jubilation
Celebration in our Nation".
I went round hugging everyone while Kelvin and Annabel kept all the stuff away. Charlotte and Jace did a very good job decorating and organizing the small party.

The room was so decorated and full of balloons. Everyone had what to eat and drink and there was music for people to dance.
"Annabel please come with me, I want to go see the principal", I said.

"For what"?
"I want to tell him the good news".
"Ooooooo, you don't want me to enjoy this party right? Am sure he must have heard about it".

"Of course! But it won't be nice if i don't tell him myself", I said shaking Annabel, then I collected her drink and kept it on the table.
We left to the principal's office while the rest enjoyed the party. On our way, I kept on receiving compliments from the students.

Knock! Knock! Annabel made the sound on the door.
"Come in", Mr Ahmed responded and we went in.
"See who we have here, Ms Albert I was just expecting you".

"Good day sir", we both greeted.
"Good day, how are you two and how was the event"?
"Great sir, it was perfect", I responded.
"Okay. What can I do for you"? The principal asked.

"Sir we are here to tell you that I came first at the competition", I said.
"Really! That's great news. Am so happy for you dear, congrats.
"Thank you sir".

"So what do you owe me"? The principal asked.
"Your lunch on Monday sir, like we discussed". I responded.
"Okay dear".
"Bye sir".

On our way back, we met with Miss Maria and told her about my success. When we got back to the room, Annabel continued partying while I sat on the bed and starred.

I remembered when I won a competition six years ago and how it was celebrated. Way more fun and better but I guess this I more matured. I had celebrated it with my family at the orphanage home, then I was only 10 years old. I also remembered how Mercy would go around playing with toys and leave them lying around and I would pick them up. I guess she will be a big girl now.

I remembered as tears began to flow from my eyes, then Kelvin came to me. He dragged me to the dance floor and forced me to dance. He handed me a glass of drink. There was lot of rocking, kissing and so on. I felt uncomfortable with the whole scenes.

At 7pm, they started returning to their hostel while Charlotte, Jace, Annabel and Kelvin started to clean up the room. When we finished cleaning we sat in the bed and started chatting.

"You guys should start going to your hostel", I said.
"Why should we? We are going to sleep here, at least tomorrow is church". Kelvin said.

"I pity you guys, let H.M meet you guys here you will be done for", Charlotte said.
"Miss Maria? She is my buddy, she won't say anything", Jace said.

"Enough of the going talk, when are we studying after church"? I asked.
"What are we even having on Monday"? Charlotte asked.
"Its Maths ", Kelvin responded.

"You mean Mental Abuse To Human", Annabel said.
"What does that even mean", I asked.
"It's Maths okay, join the first letter of each word", Annabel replied.
"Gosh! Foolish girl. I wonder how you pass your exams", Kelvin said.

"The fact that I don't like to study doesn't mean I don't know them okay. When they teach it, it's in here", Annabel said knocking her head.

"Fine, you guys should come 2pm tomorrow after the service. You can leave the room now", I said.

"I don't feel like going, allow us sleep here", Kelvin pleaded.

"Well.... You will have to feel like and you are not allowed to sleep here, you know the rules", Miss Maria said as she entered the room.
"Ma please, we will go around 9, just give us time", Jace pleaded.

"No! You are not to sleep here. Don't say I didn't warn you. If V.P catches you two here it's not my problem. You know she goes around at night checking each hostel", Ms Maria said and left.

"Okay! We will go now, you guys should please escort us", Jace pleaded.
"Didn't you hear what Miss Maria just said, if V.P should catch us outside we are done for", I said.

"I will go with you guys", Charlotte said.
"Is she serious"? I asked.
"I don't think so". Annabel responded.

Few minutes later, Charlotte returned to the room.
"Thankfully, V.P didn't didn't see me", she said as she went to straight to her bed.
"God saved you. Anyway why did you follow them, what did you do out there", Annabel smirked at her.

"Nothing", she responded.
"He was romancing you out there right"? Annabel asked.
"Shush! Stop it okay and Good night", Charlotte said.
"Good night", Annabel and I responded.

A big shout out to Bluestorme ,Nigerians_Hangout and Macedonia2901.

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