My Birthday Cont'd

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They played music and Mia danced. She even brought me to the front to dance with her. Everyone stood up with drinks in their hands and danced too. I took a glass of fruit wine and made a toast.

Thereafter Mia signed me and I signed her. I was the first to sign her, her T-shirt was still very white with no signature on it. Thereafter everyone got signed.

"It's time for us to give Annabel our gifts", Kelvin announced. They started giving me gifts, I mean the gifts were too much and I can't even count. Even little Zoey got me a present.

The party is so interesting. There are lots of drinks, snacks, music and so on. Am sure Mia spent all that money she won at the event organizing this. At around 7pm, people returned to their hostel. It was mainly my classmates.

The foods and drinks were excess so we had to share them among the junior students. A day I will never forget.

We went to our hostel too because everyone was feeling tired. We left the hall messy, we will clean it up tomorrow. I thanked my friends so much for a lifetime memory they created today. The boys then went to their hostel.

When we got to the hostel, I and the girls couldn't sleep. We just hosted all through including Peace and Stephanie.

Mia's POV
I woke up early today around 5am. I took my bath and prepared for school. I checked my time and it was 6am. I went to the boy's hostel so I would check out the hall with the boys.

I went with Jace and Kelvin, Charlotte joined us later. We had packed the chairs and arranged the hall. The food and drinks were kept one side. They had gotten here yesterday, Jace and Kelvin arranged for them.

After arranging the hall, we went to the class so Annabel won't get there before us and suspect anything. After our exams, we quickly went back to the hall to finish up with the decorations. Then we waited patiently for the cake to arrive. The cake arrived few minutes later then I invited all my classmates over. When everything was set, I sent Stephanie to do the trick.

I'll say I did an excellent job with the crew arranging for Annabel's surprise party. And for the gifts I bought for her, I ordered them. The orders can a bit late but Charlotte and Peace helped me in packaging them.

Annabel's POV

I didn't open the gifts I received, I'll do that tomorrow. Like thus am so exhausted. I was laying on my bed when Mia asked me about mom's gift.

"Well,...guess what I got this year", I asked.
"You know I can't, so just tell me", she said.
"Okay. Mom gave me a box"
"What's inside the box?"

"I found a diary, a letter from dad, a letter from big sis, a wrist band and a necklace", I told her.
"Really! A letter from dad?" She was shocked as well.
"Where is the diary? Can I see it?" She requested then I brought it out and gave it to her.

"Wow! This is nice. I love it"
"I love it too".
"What was in the letter dad wrote?" She asked me.
"Well he just wished me and told me how much he loved me. He even called my name 'Oghenerukewe' , can you imagine?" I said
"Really it's actually good. Rukky! Rukky!" She started teasing me.

"Do you think he found a way to get back with you guys" Mia asked.
"I don't think so. Even if he does, you know my mom ,she won't give in", I said
"Sure,that's why she's the iron lady", Mia teased.

"Mia.." I called calmly. "Thanks for everything you've done. You are wonderful". I said.
"You're welcome. Let's sleep now, we have lot of work to do tomorrow".
"Sure good night".

Tomorrow we will pack our bags cause we will leaving school on Monday morning. I'll miss my friends. Bye bye to stressful school work. I thought and fell asleep.

The next morning Mia woke me up. It's so early, why did she have to? Its Saturday after all. I took my bath and got prepared to follow them to the hall to get it cleaned up. Anyway, I know I won't be the one cleaning since I was the birthday girl. I will just sit and entertain them while they clean.

Mia, Peace, Charlotte and I went straight to the hall while Stephanie went to get brooms for us from the janitor. When we got there we met the boys packing up the music and the bottles. We also help them pack the glasses and nylons littered on the floor.

When I say 'we' I mean my friends. I just sat down there and watch them di the work. Stephanie came in with the brooms and mops. After 30 minutes, they had finished cleaning even though I disturbed them. Mia and I danced for the rest. It was the choreography we had practiced when we were in jss3.

The boys decided to follow us to our hostel so I'll unlock all the gifts given to me by my friends. When we got to the hostel we met our breakfast. You know we didn't eat before going to clean the hall. Everyone grabbed a plate of noodles and ate. I and Mia shared because she gave hers to Kelvin while Charlotte and Jace shared.

We finished eating and it's time to open the presents.
"Wow! What's this? Who gave me this? It's lovely" I exclaimed ad I opened the first box. I saw a pack of cookies, lot to eat. I kept opening seeing different kinds of gifts expressing live from my classmate.

I got to Jace's box and guess what I found, he gave me a dangling eating and a necklace.

"Thanks Jace", I said and hugged him.
I moved forward to open the next box, it was Stephanie's. She got me a sun hat. I thanked her as well. Peace got me a pink purse, so lovely. Even little Zoey got me three chocolate bars. I guess she heard I love chocolates. Am not sharing those chocolate with anyone.

Charlotte got me a hair now I cherish a lot. Lastly Kelvin, he gave me a back pack. It has a drawing of a ball at the back and it's colour is blue. I got lots of gifts I can't even mention.

Not to mention Mia's gifts, the greatest of all. But my family gifts as well.

After checking out the present, we shared and ate all the food, I mean junks like the cookies, cupcakes and many more. Some one even got me a can of sardine. That will be my lunch.

Lest I forget, someone gave me a foot ball but am not aware of the person. On the present was written bodly. "Your Secret Admirer". I wonder who that person is.
And why is the person even showing up now. Just two days left and we will be out of college.

A/N Hello darlings, I know this chapter took a lot of time to get uploaded but I really need your support and motivation to be able to post more. I won't want my writing skills to be abandoned or walked over. I need votes and support as you read and please share this book to your friends.

As usual, love you. Xoxo.

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