Part Eighteen : Protect Denji

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[A/N] I'm skipping the part in the book about Reze due to the fact that there really aren't that many romantic standpoints in any way plus i'm not really going to mess w the Aki and Angel dynamic so yea

Hayakawa and I hadn't really spoken in a while.

Not genuinely at least.

It was always small talk, never a deep conversation in which we both kept going on and on rambling passionately about the little things that mattered in this world.

I had wanted to talk to him about what he said. On the balcony.

What had he meant, did he mean it? Would he truly be my boyfriend?

It didn't seem probably, yet it was Hayakawa, I had no idea what went on in his mind.

I sadly wouldn't get my chance to have a long conversation with Aki, word of Denji had spread all over the world.

There would be assassins coming to kill him, it was our job to protect his life.

All kinds of people would be arriving, who knows what they'd do.


"I've never had a burger." I said, looking at the strange food.

American food was foreign to me, though it looked delicious.

I'd eat almost anything.

"You'll like it." Aki said, he sat beside me, crossing his arms.

I could tell that he was worried, his expression was quite clear this time around.

I was able to read him, just like he would always read me.

He analyzed situations so carefully, always placing an answer to a question, even if there was no clear answer.

I wondered if that brought a sense of security to him in some strange way.

"Who will we run in to first." I muttered to myself, there was a strange woman lingering near Denji.

I could have sworn that I saw her slip something out of her coat, I didn't like her face.

She was a foreigner as well, I wondered if she'd be back for Denjis life.

"I'm not sure, though I'd say Santa is going to be the toughest foe." Hayakawa said, I nodded agreeingly.

Makima had informed us about him, we had hoped that he wouldn't catch word of Denji. It was too late for that, apparently he was already in Japan.

"I've got a bad feeling about all of this." 


The special division squad four had managed to find themselves cornered in a department store.

Santa had caught on to us, and quickly at that.

He was truly infamous, and truly talented. His work was sickening, though I didn't feel much sorrow towards the mindless dolls that chased after us.

What were a few more deaths anyways.

"No! Power!" I shouted, watching as she was engulfed by the swarm.

She was unscathed, perhaps there was no effect on devils.

"They can't hurt us." I said, touching a doll.

"Aki, you guys get out of here now!" I shouted, gesturing for him to run away.

I stood beside the other devils, we fought the devilish things off one by one.

Denji had preached about how wrong this was and how it was cruel to use the living like this.

It made it difficult to kill them when they began to regain their consciousness, it was different when they screamed for help, when you were reminded that they themselves had their own individual life.

Some begged for their lives, others pleaded to be killed.

It was no use.

I was distracted by a flashing light.

I almost couldn't see her, a figure came charging at immense speeds

She grabbed a hold of Denji.

Another Assassin.

I charged after the woman, rushing up the staircase.

Power and I had regrouped with everyone, the strange woman and Kishibe were gone:

"What is happening." I whispered to Aki, he shrugged.

He was a sharp as ever, keeping a look out for any other intruders.


[A/N] Ok another long time skip i'm skipping the parts where they enter hell and stuff 

This was a bad chapter ...

But also sad news, the story is sort of reaching its final stages 😭😭

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