Part Thirty : Til Death Do Us Part

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I awoke in a new land, one that was not entirely foreign.

I instantly recognized the sky of doors, I watched with wide eyes as items continued to fall through its gates.

I would never see the sky again, this was what would lie above me.

I sat up, looking at the seemingly infinite land. To the left was a fores, the right was a lake.

I was in the middle of the grassy fields, they were similar to the ones that I had seen with Hayakawa. I didn't like to think about him, or the small time spent in hell.

I was saddened by the fact that I could not fulfill Hayakawa's dying wish, I had died prematurely, unable to live the long life that he had hoped for me.

Maybe my death was inevitable as well, I was doomed to go to hell from the start. Doomed to live such a short and bittersweet life.

I wasn't sure what to do now, perhaps I would adventure.

I couldn't understand why hell was perceived as horrible and gruesome. It was beautiful, and quiet. There was no conflict, and no worry.


After a few hours of walking, I soon began to understand why this was hell.

I had not seen a single soul in this place, and I had begun to lose all focus in everything that I was doing.

I began to realize that hell was designed to drive one to insanity, there was infinite space, and the isolation..

I was losing a sense of purpose and self.

The effects of this strange land worked quickly on my feeble mind. The last time that I had been here was with others, they kept me from going insane.

How much time had passed again? There were no clocks around, and no beings to converse with.

Hell was an infinite spacve in which the unlucky individual is left alone to rot within their own conscience. 

I wondered what the others were like here, were they vicious? Or perhaps they were wonderful.

This was hell, a place that didn't belong to the wonderful, horrible things lived here, I was no different. I was a devil.


I stumbled upon the only humanoid figure I had seen since my life on Earth.

I had managed to find the leftovers of the scene that squad four had caused. 

The astronauts were still dug in the ground, the land had slowly begun to take them back.

Moss was growing on the lifeless figures.

What other strange things would I see in hell..

"Hayakawa, I wonder if you're here somewhere." I muttered, at first I didn't want to mention his name. 

I was slowly beginning to forget the others, so I had to recall my memories often in order to keep them in my memory.

I think that this was the effects of hell, this land was trying to drive me mad. I wouldn't let that happen.

"I'd always expect you to fly away to heaven, you would grow the wings of a beautiful angel and leave the world in such a graceful way."

"At least, I thought that it would be something like that." I said, blushing slightly.

The thought of him made me smile again, he was once again my purpose. Now I would keep him in my memory.


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