Chapter 5

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So my exams are over and I'm back. Well I never totally left even if my exams were going on I published a chapter. But now I'll do my regular schedule.
Thank you everyone!
I love you guys!
Follow me!

I tried to scream and fight the person, but he's too strong for me. He drag me in the bathroom and lock the door. Once the door was locked, he came back. He desperately came back, pushed me against the wall and slam his lips on mine.

I was shocked. My body was unable to comprehend anything. While he was kissing me with his eyes close. Mine weren't moving at all and my eyes were looking at him, but way too shock to do anything.

He is still as handsome as, I remember him, but too bad, that all I want now from him is payback for what, he did to me. I pushed him away from me and wiped my lips with the back of my hand.
"What do you think you're doing?! Who do you think you are?! Dragging me in the girls toilet and kissing me without my permission!"
I scream at him. He look at me with guilt filled in his eyes. His eyes were glossy. It would have affected me 8 years ago, but now all I feel is hatred towards him. His tears doesn't matter to me anymore. He have got himself someone who will take care of him. Who will care, when he'll get upset or will cry, because I ain't gonna be that perosn anymore.
I'll make him cry.
I won't cry because of him anymore.
"Josephine, I'm... I'm sorry."
He look down on the floor, probably too ashamed to look me in the eyes. Well he should be.
I raised an eyebrow.
"Everything.....Everything I did in past years. For hurting you, for making you feel like shit, for breaking your heart."
I tear slip on his cheeks, but I didn't felt anything. I don't know how am I supposed to feel. Seeing him crying would have broke me 8 years ago but not now.
"Why are you telling me this?"
I quier.
"Because.... because I'm sorry and I still love you."
I was about to cut him off but he stopped me.
"Let me finish."
I nod my head.
"I wasn't suppose to date Inanna. It was suppose to be a stunt, but I don't know somehow......somehow, it became a real relationship. I wasn't even thinking about the consequences, when I made our relationship official for us. Management and everyone was also happy. The day you found out everything, it was our 6 month anniversary, that's why there was party. We were celebrating. Everything was going fine, until you called and I forgot to put you on mute..... and you heard everything. After you found out everything. I realised what a big mistake I made. I regretted everything I did with Inanna. I never tried to call you before because 1. I knew you wouldn't answer. 2. I was too ashamed to face you or talk with you. My relationship now is a total stunt. I promise. After everything, I didn't even talked with her until last month. Our management made us do this stunt. I tried to reject it but they force me to do it. I can't help it."
Tears flooded down his eyes. He sniffle and looked at me.
"But why are you tell me all this now?"
I ask. When he should have explained me, he didn't, and now that...... I don't wanna do anything with him. He is explaining me all his shit.
"Because..... because I..I love you..... And all this year without you have been hell for me. I want you back. I can't live without you anymore......"

I started choking. My eyes started watering from the lack of breath.
What the fuck did he just said?!
He..he...he loves me?
You got to be kidding me!

He move towards me and started rubbing my back. After few minutes I calm down and looked at him as if I've seen the ghost.
"What did you just said?"
I ask.
"I...I stil....I still love you and always will because you're it for me."
He stammers.
"But I don't. Not anymore."
I shake my head. He looked at me as if the is about to cry. He looks like a child, who is about to cry, because he isn't getting what he want.
"Don't say that."
He murmured but loud enough for me to hear.
"I can't help it. When I loved you, you broke me now I don't look love you anymore."
" this can't happen I know you love me. You promised you'll always love me. You can't break your promise."
He grab my shoulder and shook it. As if trying to bring me to reality.
My heartache looking at him like this. So vulnerable, so broken but I can't let my guards down. I can't let my walls fall.
Remember what he did to you Jo. Keep that in your mind.
I keep reminding myself the hurt, the feelings, the way I felt, when I found out about him and what they did to me.
"Tell me you love me... please. Tell me."
I trails off and beg me on his knees and sob in his hands. I grab his shoulder and make him stand on his legs again.
It's time for payback.
I cup his cheek and made him look in my eyes.
"I'll give you another chance."
His face light up like a child after, he get his Christmas gift. He wipe his tears with the back of his hand and sniffle again. He's looking cute. His nose is red from crying but he's looking cute.
"I'll do anything, just say it!"
He nearly screamed.
"But we'll take things slow. I don't wanna get myself into something wicked again..."
He nod his head and agreed with my will.
I smile and peck his lips.
"Com'n let's go. It's a big day for both of us."
I said and grab his hand and head to the hall.

Hello! Do you think everything is fine? Everything is okay between them? What do you think will happen further?
Gosh I wish I can publish the whole book together!
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