Chapter 15

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Dedicated to stacie2k16. Thank you for all the lovely comments.

I can't love you more than this. :- More than this/ one direction.


My lovely sleep just got interupted by an obnoxious person. Who is loudly banging on my door. I groan and walk to the door. This person is obnoxiously loud.
"I'm COMING!" I tie my hair in a bun as i walk to the door. I open the and was ready to snap at them, when my eyes went wide. There stood Felix, Mercy, Katherine, Titan and lastly Hero.

What the fuck are doing here? Oh J, you invited them remember?

Felix and Kath grin at me with a goofy smile and Titan and Mercy with a small smile, except Hero. Who's face is facing the floor. Probably embarrass about last if he remember anything.
"Hello, J!" Felix and Kath yell enthusiastically at me. I grin and step back. I hug each one of them.
"I missed you, Merc" I engulf her in a tight hug as few tears slipped from our eyes.
"I missed you too, J"
I move on and hug Titan, Felix and Kath. Lastly Hero stood in front of me. With an uncomfortable look on his face. I tried to muster up a smile for him but couldn't. I reach and gave him a side hug. They'll walked past me and took a seat on the couch. They all look little uncomfortable as they took seat on couch. I flop down, beside Felix and put my arms around his shoulder. Everyone look at me.

I moan at them.
"Com'n guys! Can't we be like we used too?" I whine at them. They all narrow their eyes at me. I frown at them.
"What?" I bark.
"It's great to see that you're still the same. We missed you a lot." Mercy said.
"Ohh please don't start it again or I'll cry again."
"So want do you guys want to eat? My treat."


Everyone jumped on their seat. I pick my phone and ordered Chinese for all of us. Suddenly a pillow hit my face.
"Owww" i whine and pick up pillow and threw on Mercy.
"Hey! I didn't threw it on you!" She whine and  pick the pillow and threw it on my face. I duck down and the pillow hit Felix's face.
He frown and threw the pillow at Kath.
"What was that for?!" She scream. She threw the pillow on Felix. I duck down didn't want to get hit. Felix duck as well and the pillow hit Titan. Titan threw the pillow at Hero. Who was fiddling with his fingers. He looked up stunned. A grin broke through his face.

He pick the pillow and threw it at Mercy. We  began to laugh and the fight begin. For once, we forgot about the tragic past and we're living the moment. After so many days, it felt like we're all happy and friends again. I'm so grateful that we solve everything.

The fight lasted until the pillow feathers were all over the room and on out heads. We looked at each other and laughed hysterically. My stomach is hurting from all the laughter. I grab my stomach as i continue to laugh.

We were all laughing out ass off until the door bell rang.
"I'll get it."
I got up and open the door. The delivery boy stood there with our food. He looks cute. He's younger than me. Probably 17 or 18. He look at me as his eyes widen.
"Jo-josephine Langford?" He stutter. I chuckle at his cuteness.
"Yes. That's me." I smile and admit it. I took the bag from his hand and smile at him.
"Ma'am. I'm a big fan. So if you don't mind...." He trail off and rub the back of his neck. I sigh and smile at him.

He remove his phone and stood beside me. I smile for the photo.
"Thank you ma'am. Can I have your autograph please?".
He hand me a pen and notebook. I sign it for him. He's beet red. He's cute.
I paid him the money.
"Thank you very much ma'am."
"No worries." I smile and shut the door behind me.
"What took you so long?" Titan quier as I place the food the table.
"Oh the delivery boy was my fan. He wanted photo and autograph."
He nod his hand. I look at Hero. He's back being awkward and uncomfortable. I sigh.
"Hero?" He look up at me.
"Can I have a word with you?" I tilt my head. He nod his hand and stood up.

"You guys carry on." They all nod and continue with their food.
"Leave some for us, bitches." I said and took his hand. Lead us to my room. I close the door behind me.

His eyes are stuck on our interwine hands. I didn't even notice it.
"Hero. Can you stop being this awkward and be normal and happy."
He sigh.
"Jo I-i didn't mean to ruin yo-your day with them. It's-it's just that I feel like, I'm an outsider. That-that i don't belong here." 

My heart leap at his words. I didn't knew he felt this way. He fall on his knees and began to sob. Few tears slip out of my eyes looking at him like this. I kneel beside him and hug him.
"Hero. Let it out. I know you've been holding in for so long. Let it out."

"I don't know, what's happening in my life anymore. You-you were right. I ne-never loved inanna. Lo-love is far, I didn't even liked her. I still regret the day, i started an actual relation with her. Wh-when you fi-find that day, I-i didn't had it in me to apologise. I was so ashamed of me. I couldn't face you. Because of me-me you lost your love, you friends. Your heart was broken because of me. I never wanted to be the reason, your heart break but everytime you cried. I was the reason. Everytime your heart broke, I was the reason. However, i wasn't happy either. Seeing you crying and broken, killed me. All this days, I've been dying. I die a little everyday. After you left me, i promised myself that I won't come in your way, if you'll move on, furthermore I can't help but- i can't move on from you. Seeing you with Ansel, so happy, kills me. I want to be happy for you and Ansel but I'm not happy. I'm distraught. I love you Josephine. With my whole heart and i can't move on from you. I can't. It's not possible for me. I love you Jo. If I could replay, I would have never let you go. Please give me another chance."

My body numb. He still loves me but do i? Do I love him anymore? I do-don't know. He look up at me with his glossy eyes and grab my hands in his and brought it to his lips.
"Jo, please. Jo, give me another chance. I won't let you down. Please. Don't let me go. I love you."

He's eyes hold the desperate look in his eyes that make me wanna leave everything for him and get in his arms. But no. I can't let the walls down. It was so hard for me to build it, now just because of a breakdown, i can't let it break.

I look in his eyes and pull my hands from his firm grip. He look at me lost and broken. Probably already know my answer.

"I'm-i'm sorry. I can't. I-i can't. Who do you think you're? You don't get to do that. You don't. I won't let you. I loved you once but now I-i love someone. Who isn't you. And isn't the reason I cry instead he makes me happy and I wanna live forever with him. I'm sorry. I can't love you more than this...." I trail off and stood up from my foot. He stood up and began to shook his head.
"Nonononono. I know you love me." He panic.
"I don't." I gave him a stern answer.
"All I can give now is friendship. Nothing more, nothing less."

He open his mouth but instantly close it and look down, contemplating about my statement. After few seconds, he nod his head.
"Okay.. I'm fine with it...if that's what you want..." He wipe the tears and sniffle. I can see the hurt and pain in his eyes but I can't help it. I've moved on and I'm not taking glance in my past.

He reluctantly push his hand forward.
"Fr-friends?" An awkward smile form on his lips. I smile and shook his hand.

I can't love him more than this.


how do you think Ansel will react?

Who's your favourite character other the protagonist in after?
Mine are Landon and Molly.

Vote, comment, share and follow me!
Have a lovely day and night
Lot's of love, Isha.

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