Chapter 27

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The day that they took you
I wish it was me instead :- Two Of Us by Louis Tomlinson.

Hero Finneas Tiffin

I sprint up from my bed.
"Hero! Please save me!"

Josephine. I scurried off my bed and ran to the hall. Though it felt like the stairs were infinite.


"I'm coming! I'm coming!"
I panicked and ran faster but the stairs doesn't seem to end.


She kept on screaming. By now, my heart is pounding in my chest and tears are spilling down my eyes. Staining my cheeks.


Once the stairs came to end. After what seems like hours. She screamed again.


"Where are you, Jo?! Where are you?!"

I scream but the only answer I receive was her scream.


I ran in the hallway, checking all the room like a maniac. I don't know how my two bedroom house has so many rooms.


I pulled my hair and cover my ears with my hand. Trying to block the voice but it kept on screaming in my head.


It kept echoing in my head.

A silhouette came in front of me. I slowly looked up. From their feet to leg to waist to torso to face. Finally, My eye came in contact with their face and I scream.


It was Josephine. Covered in blood. A crooked smile on her face while tear in her eyes. Her smile turned into a frown.

"I'm next." She quoted. Her face pale as ghost with blood dripping down her body. A knife in her hand and several cuts on her body and face.

Everything disappeared.
And I was in someone's funeral. I turn my head in confusion and look around everyone who were mourning on someone's death.

I saw my friends and family and I ran towards them.

"Hey! What's wrong? Who died? Why everyone's crying?"

But no one seems to hear me. I tried and tried until I was tired. I sigh in defeat and decided to look myself.

I reluctantly walk over the coffin and took a glance at them and stood dead on my feet.


I eyes shot open. Sweats dripping down my forehead mixing with the tears that left my eyes and roll on my cheeks. My breathing rapid as a cheetah.

I look up and head towards her and stood outside Josephine's room. She fainted after everything. When she saw her mum. She couldn't take it and fainted.

I don't know, how she gonna cope with all this thing...Just few month ago she lost her Dad. Which was agony. She was so vulnerable at that time. I felt so helpless at that time. I won't let that happen again.

I close my eyes and the nightmare ran in front of my eye. I heart stopped and I opened my eyes again.


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