Chapter 14

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Dedicate to Unicorn1111jan for giving me the idea. If it weren't for you, I would have stopped writing it.

We are never, ever, ever getting back together - we are never ever getting back together/ Taylor Swift.

Why did you read after? What's the reason? I read it because I'm a massive fan of one direction.


I stood in the kitchen as I reminisce my relationship with Hero. How happy we're before he became the star. How we were able to live our life without any judgement.

I still remember the time, when we're in his room, casually talking and I spot a cockroach on his wall. That story is hilarious!

"Hey, I'll grab something for us to eat." I nod my head and criss-crossed my legs on the bed. He left the room to grab us something. Anyway, I'm famished. I pull out my phone, played the music and begin to hum and move my body with the rhythm. I was lost in the music as I roam my eyes in the room. Looking at our pictures and smiling at it as I remember those childhood days. Suddenly something catch my eye and before I could comprehend it. That shit flew towards me. My eyes widen.

"Ahhhhhh!" I scream on top of my lungs as I ran in the whole room. I panicked and couldn't even make out that, I can just simply run out of the room.

"What the hell! Why are you screaming like a maniac!" He rush in the room and scream at me. I ran and hug him tight. I bury my face in his firm chest and shut my eyes tightly. I point my finger towards his room.
"There's a cockroach in there and he's fucking flying!" I scream in chest as i groan from cringe. A shiver ran down my spine as the thought of that shit crawling on my body.
"It's nothing here. I can't see anything." He said as he wrap his arms around my shoulder.
"I saw it with my eyes! It's there! Look properly you asshole!" I again pointed the finger against the room.
"Jo. I swear there's nothing here." He calmly said and pull my head from his chest. I slowly turn my head and look in the room. I scan the room until I found him, crawling on the ceiling. I slam my face in his chest.
"It's there! See! On the ceiling!" I'm in full panic mode.
"Jo.... calm yourself. If you'll panic, you'll have asthma attack. Go outside. I'll kill him." He brushed my hair and pushed me out of the room. As he was about to close the door. I stopped him.
"Don't come out until you kill him..and I want to see his body.." I whisper. Frightened. He chuckle and nod his head.
"You make me sound like a murderer."
"Whatever." I turn and ran off to the living room. My heart drumming against my chest. I sat on the couch. Trying to calm myself. I keep on bouncing my leg. Something I need to get rid off. I bit my nails and keep thinking about the possibility, if i wouldn't have seen it.

He would have crawl on me? Would've have sat on my nose?(A/N:- this shit had happened with me.) It would have crawl on top of my head and I wouldn't even know about it!

I sat there quietly, bouncing my legs. I've phobia with cockroach, ever since I can remember. I'm always afraid of them. They scare the shit out of me, especially if it fly. I'll be out of that place in mere seconds.

I hear some faint footsteps coming down from the stairs. I spun my head in the direction. He's coming down with cockroach in his hand. He's holding it with his antenna. He's legs are still faintly moving. He isn't completely dead. I cover my eyes as he came and stood in front of me with that shit.

"Throw that shit out!" I scream my face buried in my hands. I heard him laugh, his footsteps going towards the main door. I peek through my fingers and saw him threw it outside of the house. That idiot of his smirk. He jump on the couch and placed his arms around my shoulder. I slap his hand away from mine.
"Go and wash your hands first!" He laugh at my behaviour and went to restroom to wash his hand.

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