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"Do you want to stop Snape from getting that stone or not?! Harry... it's you that has to go on, I know it"

"Not me! Not Hermione! You!"

"Kate!" Rachel whines, picking up a cushion and using it to batter at my head. "We know you've watched this movie a million times"

"Kris is muttering along too!" I protest, trying to redirect the onslaught of attacks.

"Key word there, muttering," Kristie says sticking up for herself "not practically inserting myself into the movie"

We've all just gotten back from another game in the challenge cup and decided to take it easy for the rest of the night. Another win for Houston means we're sitting at third place on the table and feeling very happy with ourselves for being able to get this far with the current state of affairs.

The legal case is still going on which means I've still had no contact with mom or anyone on the Orlando team, but the rest of the girls have been great. Kelley has been texting me with messages from mum and it's helped me remember that they're still in my corner no matter what will come of all this. Plus Rach and Kristie have become my cool older sisters that I get to mess around with when our parents go out of town.

"You're blanking on us again Speedy, we honestly don't mind the word reciting, promise!" Rach says snapping me out of my daze.

I just turn to smile at my club and country teammate.

"I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you both right now," I say with a small smile.

"Awww, you're gonna make me cry Kate," Kristie replies wiping away fake tears.

"Shut up!" I laugh back, hitting her lightly on the arm. "Let's get back to the movie, I've got more lines to recite" making both of them groan again.

— — —

"How is it you know how to cook this good!" Rachel manages to mumble out with a mouth full of eggs and other various breakfast foods.

"Rachel, swallow your food please, for the love of god," Kristie scolds sitting next to her girlfriend.

I just grab my plate of food and sit down next to the pair of them, all of us in our match day outfits ready for the next game.

"I've had to learn to cook for myself from a very young age Rach, a lot of foster parents I had worked late jobs and wouldn't be back in time to cook for me," I say making Rach look a little sheepish.

"Don't look at me like that, it's fine I learnt to love it anyways, I had free range to cook whatever meal I wanted" I say happily digging into my meal.

"I sometimes forget how long you've been doing this for, you're only 18 but somehow have more life experience than me and Rach combined," Kristie says.

"Well let's be honest, not very hard when Rachel's life experience is about 2 years," I say smirking to myself.

"Hey that's so unfair" Rachel responds, with yet another mouthful of food.

"Okay point given," Kristie says laughing along with me.

The three of us quickly finish up our meals and work together to clean up before heading out the door. We're playing Washington Spirit today before the knockout stages begin and all of us are hoping to go into the next game with a strong standing as contenders to win this thing.

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